The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Today is the Tomorrow You created Yesterday

We are who we are Today because we were who we were Yesterday. We do what we do Today because we did what we did Yesterday. We will become who we become Tomorrow because of who we are Today. So, if you get stuck in who you were Yesterday, instead of Living who you are Today, then who you become Tomorrow, will be shaped more by who you were Yesterday, than who you are Today. Just to ...

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Nancy Theater

No need to go to Theater 
Today is the end of the show 
I wrote you final letter 
Actor decided to go 

No need to read my poem 
Nothing else in the mail 
To save you of bad clime 
My heart, began to fail 

I hope you get my point 
I wish you can get me 
I'm sure the Nancy Theater 
Closed. Do you agree? 

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Beauty is not seen

The mirror does not hold your reflection

Commanding instead the need for subjection

Vanity is the rule by which we live

Ruthless without the need to forgive


How long do you take looking for perfection

Beauty is real and also a distraction

Preparing ourselves for the talk of the eyes

Some words are true and others are lies


What point do we stop hiding that which we...

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I am what I am

I am the change that I want to see

I am the answer to what I think should be

I am the result before the question

I am the future put in motion


Take time to see what is real

Take time to know how you feel

Take time to rebuild broken dreams

Take time no matter how bad it seems


I am today as one person

I am always looking with a new vision

I am my own direction


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1AM, It's a New Year

Another year about to end. Maybe the Mayans that made up that calendar had it better. As the year closes one is pressed to look back and gauge how it went. It's just another year, perhaps. Many things have transpired, and many more in the offing.


1AM, It's a New Year

Just a few hours more
about half a day for the rest
for each timezone on the globe
we tear off the last she...

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Lucky it's me -

So glad it's you,

Enchantment in all of the things that we do,

My feelings are many, my words but a few,

Remember - I love you today.


Sometimes it's right -

Sometimes it's wrong,

Sometimes our tune is a now and then song,

But we know our refrain and we know when it's wrong,

Remember - I love you today.


Maybe we could -


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