The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I Thank Both, You And My Trustworthy Lord

You have to thank, be able to thank,

For every day and every ray of the Sun.

Talk about important things and frank!

Don't ever think about using the gun.



You should be grateful for what you have.

You should thank God who gave you love.

You'll learn to live without war and grief.

You'll find out that the war is a thief.



To thank. Is it an ability or a gif...

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Son Of My Father

Son Of My Father


What did you do in the war dad?

I fought against Fascists, son.


And were you frightened there dad?

Did you want to turn around and run?


Yes, I was frightened there son

So, don’t believe the lies that are spun


About the death and the glory of war, boy.

There is death, but of glory there’s none.


Thanks for all that you did dad


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Leave Yourself Behind

A decade on, decade long
a journey
I’ve been filling this space with lines
you can follow them if you like

I’ve gone from ‘putting out’ only
to taking in, to loving others’ work
and learning
I hear their voices in my own words now

I’ve been leaving myself behind
these past ten years
writing wrongs
trying to find that spark

It’s said ‘don’t stay in any place too long
when you’re ...

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Old Men's Tears

Old Men’s Tears


With hearts as heavy as thunder clouds

What once were torrents

Are now just trickles

Reflecting our futures

In the silver shimmer of our past


And they come

In stumbling honour

And their humility

Denies them as heroes

For the heroes were left behind


In voices cracked with age

They tell their tales

Of simple duty

In the face of...

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A Whisper from the Moon


         Resounding across oceans
            Hovering amongst clouds
         Like a whisper from the moon
                 I heard your words
                   And I thank you
                        From the
                      Deepness of

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A single word;

a phrase or gesture

can trigger a feeling

of wondrous rapture.


To be told that you're worth

more than the drifting sands

that daily slip through

your trembling hands.


To be surrounded

by such appreciative people

makes me want to shout

from the highest steeple.


Words of thanks,

so loud that you all know,

that for you, the ink


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