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What a turn of fate!

While waiting
For a taxi
By a roadside
A young and  
An energetic lad
Came and
Without courtesy
Pushed me aside
To take a ride
Hopping on
A minibus taxi,
Only for one
A place had.

Before ebbs out
My vexation
Another taxi
Drew my attention.

I hopped in
Condemning a grave sin
The lad's action--
"Where is
his sense
of decorum,
Preached on
Religious and

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Field of Youth

Finding you wasn't hard

Although you all looked the same

Beneath ever changing skies

Stark bright and upright

Against Summer cornflower skies

Bathed in sleepy Autumn hues

Pure, under skirts of wintery slate

Did you think, at twenty two

Generations would stand here

Imagining the glory, the fear

Gripping anger and sorrow


Racing clouds allow the sun a turn


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deathFrancelest we forgetwarWW1youth

Wake up Midas
















Wake up Midas

it isn't your time.

Those dogs had

no right to take

you from me.

"Wake up baby!"
I'm crying,

"Wake up!"


Please don't leave

so soon.

I'm the one

that let you outside.


Wake up,

oh please wake up.

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Tick tock, tick tock, thump, thump, thump 
They marched in and took your heart, once filled with redness and vibrancy, 
They took your bright soul and purpose on this rosy spectacle sphere of land and sea 
And shred and bled until nothing remained.
But darkness, blackness and emptiness
A lifeless glance returns the favour in the mirror
Ash piles, a distinguished fire

Prison, some call it ...

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lifeexpectation vs realityextended metaphordeathdarkquotetruth

The Last Day of Summer











You left us on
the last day of Summer.
Today is the
first day of Fall.
My tears are
falling for you.
Good bye my baby,

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Somewhere in between

the waking and the dream,

I can feel you close to me.


Just before times hands

reshape the desert sands,

I can feel you reach for me.


In the blink of tear stained eyes,

watching weary to the skies,

I can see you cry for me.


In the breaking of the dawn,

in the dew upon the lawn,

I can see you smile for me.


In the bright ray...

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Press Release - GREY SUN, DARK MOON by Trevor Maynard

~~PRESS RELEASE – GREY SUN, DARK MOON, a new collection of poetry by Trevor Maynard

Publication Date:   September 14, 2015, Amazon $19.99/£14.99
Contact:  Trevor Maynard,
Press copies:  Available on request in .pdf or paperback

Taking us from Sunrise, through Morning, then Later, into Dusk, and concluding with Night, this ...

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poetryTrevor MaynardPoetic Bondlovedeath


if you stand quite still

you see the bleakness of someone dying

as the sun goes down

on a life bonded to your own


and you feel the fragile support

like an anchor wrenching as the ship of souls

breaks free of its moorings on the slender earth

and you watch


as your own downtrodden hope leaves you

like the spirit of unformed breath.

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The babies keep coming


into the world

petals opening disgorging


Mouths to feed

feeding feeding

milk flowing.

They pile up


scream and kick

another matter of pride

to show off.

Tick one more box

box ticked move on

over the horizon the

petals are pulsing

and absorbing


The world blinks and is missed


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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

"We can't risk losing people,
Killed in action, far away.
What'll happen to their wives,
Their children, the next of kin?

We have to end the war,
But, none the less, we are
Too proud, too good, too vigorous,
To just give up, to just retreat.

Let's see what happens," did they say,
And to end a war, to save their lives,
They killed two hundred thousand people,
And didn't stop at all.


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warwar poetrywar poemwar poemshiroshimanagasakiatomatom bombatomic wardeath

Singing Too Loud

Dreaming of funerals 
Dreaming of death
Dreaming impossible 
Daydreams of theft.
Thoughts not unhappy
But hopeful and proud
Driving too slowly
Singing too loud.
Why is it sacrifice leads me to joy?
The heavy heart dragged 
By the arms of a boy.
Why is it sorrow somehow leads me to laughter ?
The dreadful, dark ending
The what that comes after.
Why does the prospect of loved ones abou...

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The whistle blows to sound the charge

and over the top they bustle and barge,

covered from head to toe in mud

and soon tainted with flesh and blood.


Up the ladder with slippery rungs,

a scream of rage from terror filled lungs,

adrenalin coursing through every vein

with the fear of not coming back again.


Knee-deep mud sucking boots from feet,

tangled in barbed w...

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The child in his arms, such a precious gift,

her sweet little smile would make his heart lift.

Born into a love that none could compare,

baby blue eyes framed with curly blonde hair.


Conceived and born on such love filled days,

from the moment he held her he was blown away.

His heart did a flip and his smile was so wide,

his devotion to his daughter could not be denied.


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The Butterfly Effect

I lay here cradling my mosaic heart, untwinned in your palms. My naked body and mind no longer intertwined, A fated dualistic death. I gave myself to you unwittingly, unknowingly, punishingly... Sensual, seductive emotions ravenously race through my every pore, One last butterfly kiss, wanting evermore. My heart decadently dances with perpetual palpitation...

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Lucifers Gift

Lucifer's Gift

The candle flickers as death draws near
the whispering souls come out to play as the clock hit's Midnight
and another realm opens
Lucifer returns from his sleep
bringing a gift for his weary lover
a lovers kiss, a serpents kiss a poisoned box of betrayal like the petals of a red rose scattered amongst the ashes of a body that's been lain to rest out in the elements of this b...

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As the sun peeps out

over misty morning hills

and the dawn chorus calls

with its piercing shrill,

the demons of the night

skulk slowly away,

a sidelong glance

at the few who got away.


He rises and stretches

and with sleepy eyes,

breathes a sigh of relief

and a laughing surprise.

The nightmare lingers

in his foggy mind

until a final shiver

leaves th...

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The stains upon the bar

tell of many sad tales

of love, loss and tragic lives;

and drink to drown out the wails.


Another washed out soul

seeks the solace of the glass,

to wash away the memory

of another broken pass.


Another wheeler-dealer,

another gambling god,

another weary player

bet his life upon the sod.


The rings around his eyes

mark the t...

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If you close your eyes

to the world outside,

will the fighting suddenly cease?

Will brother and sister

hold hands together

and build a new life of peace?


Does a person, born blind,

not hear the teeth grind

as disaster, from greed, is grown?

That because he can’t see,

thinks we're are all living free

and reaping the seeds we have sown?


If you block...

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Death; the dealer

of the final deck of life.

No hidden agendas,

just a cold slate to wipe.


With hand and sword

or rock and stone,

with shaft sailing deadly

through grey skies, alone.


The smarter the weapon,

the reaper delights

at a fulsome harvest

of terror and cries.


They split the atom

and split the odds,

they split the proceeds

but nev...

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I touch your cheek,

I'm surprised, it's cold.

I reach for your hand

for I need it to hold.


I look upon your face

that beamed and sparkled

as we loved and laughed,

wrestled and tickled.


Your face is so pallid,

the sparkle is gone,

no more to smile

at the hot summer sun.


Your hair neatly tended,

you lie there so still

as I try, with memories,


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There’s a bench in the park where an old couple sit

holding hands and laughing as the children play and flit

about on the swings and slides with boundless joy,

inciting memories of when they were girl and boy.

The antics of the kids so full of life and carefree bliss,

their lives laid out before them on paths that time would kiss.


They’ve been sitting on that bench for ...

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La vita e la morte

Life has drawn to a grinding, meandering pace

Where there once was happiness, pleasure and joy

Now only a void and darkness in its place

And the man I am is no longer the boy

As the smoke gracefully laps my pale face

Reaching gently my soul; a soothing decoy

From the pain and anger, with each fleeting breathe

As I sit and wait, contemplating death.

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The hands of time tick slowly by

as dawn breaks in a new day.

A nightmare reality of

the receding night lies marked,

like so many fading stars,

in the shattered glass on the floor.


Silken shards of sorry souls,

their lives now trapped

in a dream of what was then,

what is now and

what should never have been.


Each broken image,

a moment in time captured


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How brave, in reality, is a ‘brave face’?

A facade shared, it would seem,

by the majority of the human race.


Beneath the flaking paint of a painted mask

lies a truth too long and painful to explain

no matter how oft you care to ask.


How long before the cracks become too wide

to conceal with powders and creams

and the crimson smile starts to slide.


How long...

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A crowded room

is such a lonely place,

wear a fragile mask

upon a weary face.


Everybody’s here

but there’s nobody there

and there’s nothing to do

except sit and stare.

The distant sounds

of joy and laughter

drifting like echoes

in dusty rafters.


As you slowly subside,

sinking way down low

and you're silently wondering

how far you can go.


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There was a man I knew,

not too close, not too far,

as a child he was there

to tend to my scars.


A man with a past,

of that I had no doubt,

a man, when provoked,

who knew how to shout.


A happy man

with a smile for all,

he'd always be there to

pick me up when I'd fall.


And though never far away,

we were never very close,

a sign of those times


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cancerdadfatherdeathlossloveregretslooking backcelebrationfamilysonpride


How do you say goodbye

to everyone you love,

your family and friends

who you hold high above.


How do you say goodbye

to the one in your heart;

your soul mate, from who

none could tear you apart.


Your night and your day

and in every sweet way,

no words could express

what you're needing to say.


How do you say goodbye

to the child in your hand


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lifedeathdyinggoodbyeleavingloveletting go


We take so much for granted

from this world on which we play,

the breath inside our lungs

drawn in from a cold and windy day.


Draining the life from a world already

so drawn and stretched to it's limits,

desperately trying to imbibe

the scarcities still deep within it.

To live; to breathe; to follow time

as down the wind it sails

against all odds and obstacl...

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It's just a way of life

said the man with the gun,

you win it or you lose it

and when all is said and done.


But the odds and the favour

can be tipped from over here

by a warm winning smile

from a boy with no fear.


They say that respect

is a game hard won

but they can't see the smile

down the barrel of the gun.


The feather on the trigger


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The flickering flame

in the dream of your eyes,

is a glimmer of life

in a darkening sky.


But little heat remains

to warm the weary hearts

of those so slowly left

bereft and torn apart


A chill wind blows a tear

across the cooling fires,

a rain of lasting love falling

softly through life's briars


A trickle of silent sorrow

leaving trails on shall...

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deathdyingreapersoullossdeath loss friend


oil swirling 

dancing and in hand

with dirty water

ripple down the street


a screeching tire

splashing and skids

on the empty, black road

disturbing dance


the engine pumped faster, the gray sky smiled in turn

the tire hopped a curb, then flew from the ground


the tire clashed with the earth

mud splattered the clean paint

the car rushes to gain an in...

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Sex and Cigarettes

The smell of sex and stale cigarettes, Two bodies connected in life and death, Chapped lips meet between the sheets, Lust in our bones, the Reaper in the air. How rare an oxymoron, neither with clothes on, We follow recreation with deadly inhalation, Skin touching skin, lips wrapped around uncertainty, Two separate entities leaned inwards somehow gently, Feeling so alive, ...

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Love in an open wound


I sat beside you on that fateful day,

As they sutured your wrists in A&E,

Their failure to keep you safe,

Was no failure of ours or me,


For try as we may to get you help,

Their ears were as deaf as their eyes,

Now we sit..... in our tortured state,

In the hollow your passing creates,


You will always be with us inside our hearts,

For as long as our minds wi...

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stark organic matter

excreting tastes of life

tied to a cycle

destined to a path

seen by none

the rules of competition

forever consumed by the glory

light to light

de come possed


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Snow Flake

You come and you go

astressed with the trade winds

Tiny ghost dancer

flows to my head

clear and timed

tastes of sparkling ciders melt in my eye

attempting to leave no trace

I hold the proof of our a-cult

reforming love 

vitalizing movements seize life

breath exits as I consumed you

as glass inherits my soul 

timed and clear

breakable in an extraterrestrial se...

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The Gallipoli Fallen

The Gallipoli Fallen


From Perth to Auckland came the merry brave

Fighting for King and Empire and the motherland to save

The Anzac was led with zeal and might

Churchill's men prepared to fight the merry fight


To the Dardanelles the men were led ashore

To open a supply route to Russia, so ill-equipped and poor

Churchill's plan to obliterate the Ottomans from the war


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Unmarked By Their Passing

I tell you there’s no ending, no straightening the straights,

and the twists and turns of life will remain unending.


Where do those paths go, via many trees bowed by breeze,

and thorny bushes with fresh and old blood specks to show.


Some are freeted by time, just lumbering and slumbering,

as stuttering takes them on to old, past their posturing prime.


Bored by ster...

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Hit the homes of the less, Hit the SCUM of the projects, Drop a few bombs in the Sub Culture Urban Market, target the future smokers, smoke the future dealers, pull up in them vans, hand out vans and a few packs of cigs, Fact 79 the name of the game, selling the idea of a pack newports, over the idea of packing for cruises to lands on new ports, grandmamas got them, baby cousins watchin', second h...

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Saint Valentine's Day Mascara

Saint Valentine’s Day Mascara

She cried when I forgot.
She cried when I remembered,
her tears like silver arrows
to my heart,
her eyes black-lined with sorrow.

The ink, barely dried,
smudged with liquid joy.
A big wet splash on the ‘o’
turning ‘love’ into ‘live’
and crowning my name
like a liquid tiara
for a princess
in a cruel land.

Granting wishes
like kisses.
So I wished s...

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cryingdeathlost lovelovest valentines daytearsvalentine

When You Said Goodbye

When you said goodbye
 I realised deep inside
 That this would be the final time
 I ever saw your smile.
 Time came
 And God called your name
 And you floated peacefully away.
 This is permanant
 A tattoo on the heart
 A scar engraved in my skin
 I think about you everyday
 And everyday is a losing game
 Until the next time,
 Fingers crossed,
 I see you again

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sad poetrydeathpoetryLove lost

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