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Dead Fathers

They say we carry the dead with us,

And most are surprised by the weight.

We hoist them up on our shoulders,

And imagine our strength is adequate.


But invariably we fault and stumble.

We stagger and trip and fall

We can’t see a way out of this trouble

Each partition becomes a wailing wall


We drop them in the middle of our marriage.

We trip over them when we try...

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A Marriage of Ghosts

A Marriage Of Ghosts


Something old; crumbling bones.

Something new; innocent youth.

Something borrowed; parental beliefs.

A bride forever blue.


Flesh bound to ash and bone.

A knot ties the living and dead.

Union of child and corpse, rotting.

Protection from cursed health and poverty.


Escaping abandonment, in a death shed,

destined by ancestral expectati...

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To My Protectors



Soft whispers that guide me

Reminders that the game is not over 

Reflection will not be neglected 

Innate abilities rising to the surface

Ancestral Inner G has a purpose 

Their blood is my blood 

As Above, So Below

Ancient wisdom runs through my veins 

Always observing 

My ancestors leave nothing unnoticed 

Gentle spirits that guide me

Giving dire...

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Am I to speak for your past?

                May I?

                Should I intrude?

For I am the spectre of your years: I was there beside you

In your cot and at your play


I am all that is left

                I am the breath of your childhood

                I am the oxygen of your life

                There is no limit to my presence in your life


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spectreancestorsmemoryrace memorygenetic memorywisdom

I Never...

I never feel amiss, alone or as a stranger

On days when wandering amongst the trees,

When standing on the hilltop overlooking land of bountiful existence

Or looking at the life’s reflections in blue waters of the sea.


I never know rage, hate or urge of violence

At twilight times when rolling in the silky grass,

When sitting on the tree log by the brook watching appearance of...

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