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sepia (Remove filter)

If Galaxies Could Kiss

he never kissed me
there are no 
borrowed breaths 
bridging us,
no revival
on his lips.
just empty space
between memories
of when
there were no fireworks
and my feet
never leaving the ground.

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Australia Centurion

Australia Centurion


Heidelberg light, hard edged;

not sharp-cutting wire

knifed thru fractured mica.

as old canvas turns


gold to sepia, brown to aged

ebony, in descending years

gone back, down, away,


to where we survive


and lie cocooned – like pupae

of paper wasps

in interstices of time, locked

in desiccated people-nests.


alive and dy...

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darknessheartbeatsHeidelbergintersticesmicapupaesepiashards of lightStreeton's

Mr Twee

Warfare rages, blood pressure races, worry lines etch into our faces

Predictability always soothes

So we turn our glaikit eyes to you

A saviour decked in red, white and blue

Be our hero, Mr Twee.


Crashing chords in minor keys

Experimental creativity

Please god - spare us all of these!

For our stilted minds cannot compute

Unfamiliar jarring tunes

Blandness is the ...

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musicpopblandSimon CowellToryToriesbloodshotsepiawarfareknighthoodtortureconventionpredictablesuntantroubledinvention

Hatred Junkie

Fake nostalgia spews out from your head

For a sepia England that was never there

Hatred junkie, you know

Where the blood river flows

Feel the bile at your knees


Marching bands drown out your higher brain

Blaring voices drive your soul insane

Hatred junkie, you feel

Like a cog on a wheel

Grinding so out of time – after time


God made you useless


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