reminiscent (Remove filter)
Good Night
The gentle tingle of your electric finger down my spine
The wistful sigh of warm breath
The glow of deep soft lamplight and the
Caress of fresh clean sheets.
You tangle yourself up in me.
Our fingers twirl playfully, our heartbeats
In rhythm. Ba doom, ba doom.
I feel a trickle of uncomfortable sweat down my clavicle, but the thereness outweighs my overheating body.
Sunday 16th August 2020 11:28 am
Grandad's Armchair
Grandad’s Armchair
Strange smelling, mustard brown moth-eaten chair, where Grandad sat on a Sunday afternoon after lamb with all the trimmings.
Like a heaving ancient giant, with his mouth ready to catch flies and glasses knocked to one side, he snores and wheezes, his tongue sissing like a snake.
With a choo choo train I fly around and scream and crash and wallop into everything; as Acti...
Saturday 24th June 2017 5:41 pm
A Sea Poem
Tuesday 11th June 2013 11:00 pm
The Old Broken Doll
In an old house
I found an
old doll.
It looked worn
and scuffed and
like it had
taken a fall.
Her arms were
torn and all
out of kilter.
She was lying
in some kind
of dirty old filter.
Her face was
chipped, broken
and her smile missing.
Saturday 13th October 2012 5:08 pm
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