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Where beauty lies??

I see them daily,

The trees...

Smoothly waving their giant arms at the passers by.

Shedding off what's wilted,

Waiting for the spring to stop by.

I observe them everyday,

The birds...

All flocked and frisky.

Soaring up high,

Never dwelling in envy.

I see them, the stars...

Who never seem wry.

Happy with their brilliance,

Lighting up the sky.

I see them dai...

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nature poetrybeautyskyflowerslovepeaceIntrospectionfraternity

Third Sonnet

The Taliban of Christianity,

Are guardians of our nation’s moral health,

Protecting men from femininity,

They worship pomp, and privilege, and wealth.

They disapprove of how and whom we love,

Deny our civil right to earn a crust,

To work in schools for our Lord above,

Those bigots trample freedom in the dust.

No paedophiles then, in the Church of Rome?

In Opu...

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