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Planning away, sometimes all day

Words on a page, moulding like clay

Toward your interest, "I'll engage" you say

I should of known it would go this way


Travelled around all week through

Sometimes I'm spinning and I don't see you

Learnng the lines of a script I have written

Walking the mile but somewhere you're hidden


Delivering is easy when you've got the tools


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Teachertutorschooleducationlessonyoung peoplechildrenmental health


Its hard to be happy

Hard to be me

Finding out who I am is impossible to the pressure of smarts and immortality

"we live forever" a lie told by us TO US

The bullshit we pull just to feel less depressed and lost within

How do you feel?

Being told your gonna die?

Does it hurt?

We are young

Not yet strong in…




Or Money

We are ...

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beautyboundariesreal lifesacredYoung People




My name is juvenile delinquent

I’m losing my mind now,

it happens again and I can’t do anything about it.

Anxiety, anger, confusion, depression and loneliness

fight to get a foothold in my beleaguered mind.

Just about to go mad, insanity beckons,

don’t let my neurosis lead to psychosis.

I don’t want to be a Section 20, locked up forever

with only bars as my com...

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young peoplecriminal intentbad waysjailwrong pathsectionedmental illness

based on a paper article on teenagers doing stupid things. you cross words out leaving you with a random line poem...

based on a paper article in the sun feb6 2014 on teenagers doing stupid things. you cross words out leaving you with a random line poem...

Internet craze sick new yobs filmed gutting.
Eating their livers video nasty, protests animal lovers.
There were warnings,
revellers 'neck' booze,
perform stunt challenge to beat it.
Two died more doing worldwide craze.
Latest film grabbing a tr...

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neknonominate crzestupid actsfilm ityoung peoplestop itrandom line poem

Eclipsing Karin’s Fracture




Eclipsing Karin’s Fracture

Fracture lines of frantic events. Pretty little German girl named Karin Ulbricht. Leipzig late 1989. Events so much bigger than just a mere pretty little lady. Daring to demonstrate for freedom. Do you know what you’re doing? Do you? Chasing a dream, not knowing what it is.


And know that you’re right, being in Leipz...

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cold wardemonstrationsarrestsyoung peoplehistoryyoung lady




     I hear them,

I hear them calling out in the street

Issuing calls of despair and asking for help

And I would,

If I could,

If I had the power of legions

And armies and,

No, that just wouldn’t do

Any good at all,

Not anymore where

We are - fearing the worst

For a world where war,

Has become the only winner?


     You ...

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Young PeopleWarSocial Observations

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