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Images of a High Tide

harbour entrance swell

river bridge

above the beach

the scraping rattle

millions of stones

sucked off the beach

returning to the sea


beside the harbour wall

crossing waves

rearing waves


breaking in foam


onto the shingle

the vast pull

of the receding sea

the undertow of sound


the bay

grey brown sea

under a blue sky


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beachdriftwodfishing netsharbourseaseagullssurftideundertowwaves


(This poem is dedicated to the select members of the S.A.S. .... Surfers Against Sewage)!


I’m just swimming in Portreath

Just going through the 'motions'

A large environmental car thief

Made of a thousand witches potions


I’ve streaming eyes and raspy throat

A throbbing head and aching ear

The only safe place is a boat

I’d never write “Wish you were here!”



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beachprotecting the environment. sewagesurfswim



Against a backdrop of broiling grey
The dancing colours flap & wave away 
To all who can see and for all left to be
A warning about the worsening sea

A relentless outburst of desperate cries
Fighting the force of the cloudy sighs
And the seas whip up a daring wager
To all who seek the thrill of danger

Teasing and testing the brave and bold
Icy waves, so strong and co...

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the sea is rattling bones today

and the wind holds my ears to ransom

for want of a scarf and a hat


she is walking on the promenade

and wants no part of the play


so I am talking to the man on the pier

with the rods and ask

“what’s your game?“



and if he’s lucky


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