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A precious gift 
Your choice is how you spend it 
Loving others, or yourself 
A difficult thing to achieve both 
when it is limited 

Investing in a future self that may never arrive 
I do not even feel alive
I am breathing, speaking, running out of words
running out of breath
What is left

I am sinking 
My legs are tired 
I have struggled for a while 
struggled with a smile 
The tears are catching up


I want to make everyone happy 
You cannot make everyone happy 

I am sinking 
zoning out I'm barely blinking
Why is disassociating 
becoming my form of coping 

I know
It is easier to escape my body
than to feel the concrete dry around me 


I cannot expect them to know or understand fully 
that I am trying as hard as I can 
to be the person they need me to be 
The person I need me to be 

I am sorry
I seem to have lost parts of me along the way 
I am just trying to get through the rubble 
without sinking into it 
The only way out is through it 

But my word is it heavy 
I am sorry if I have run out of "this is temporaries" 
I am sorry that time with me is as rare as can be 
I feel it too, trust me 
The lack of me 

I do believe the missing pieces can be found 
along with new ones I find on the ground 
Through the sacrifices there is growth 
Heavy now but full of hope 

Of a future self to thank this one 
for not sinking 
I hope I make her proud when that day comes. 

Robyn Holmes 
thoughts from the cocoon 




◄ A beautiful curse

Ember ►


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Sat 10th Feb 2024 12:45

@Uillem Yes, its so important. I wrote this poem at a time where my cup was so empty whilst still falling into people pleasing tendencies. Giving yourself no time to rejuvenate and fill your own cup is an act of violence against your inner peace.
I agree that in order to love others- you have to love yourself.
This can come with needing to accept disappointing and potentially letting others down, and learning that that's okay ❤

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Sat 10th Feb 2024 12:42

@Graham Thank you Graham, yes I love the simplicity of that, because if you are being the best you can in every situation, you know that you have done your best 😊
I love that it was on a school bus as well, the youth are faced with so many decisions and pressures that its an important reminder.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 10th Feb 2024 12:36

Some very profound words expressed here Robyn. I read a slogan on a school bus recently that said

‘Be the best you can’

I’ll settle for that


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 10th Feb 2024 11:05

Thanks Robyn.
My take on things is that it's less a question of either/or,
more that we need to truly love ourselves in order to love others?

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