perfection (Remove filter)
Nobody's Perfect
None of us are always good,
Yet none of us are always bad.
And while no-one is always happy,
None of us are always sad.
None of us are always right,
Yet none of us are always wrong.
And while no-one is always weak,
None of us are always strong.
None of us always thinks clearly,
Yet no-one's always confused.
And while no-one's always dissatisfied,
No-one's always amused.
None of u...
Thursday 16th May 2024 4:24 pm
Perfectly Perfect
Till I woke up
then you spoke up
screamingng in my head.
Losing that weight again
with words of encouragement
ignoring the ills of my mind
pushing me back to when "You looked so much better".
Look inside.
Ugly words.
Oh no sorry.
You don't want to know
you just want to see
...Friday 3rd May 2019 4:05 am
Write Anyway
So it's cliche,
write anyway.
So it's not
gramatically correct,
write anyway.
So it doesn't rhyme,
write anyway.
Don't let judgmental
"experts" distort
your perception
of poetry
or silence
the part of
your soul that
longs to make
sense of life.
Just write
any way!
Tuesday 15th January 2019 2:44 am
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