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mankind's selfishness (Remove filter)


You call me selfish for trying to take what is mine, and mine only, and do with it as I wish


Your claim and the belief behind it, is even more so


And, though you may not realize, all you are doing is prioritizing your pain over mine


You pacify your fear of heartache with my suffering


So tell me true, if you were in my shoes - if you overlooked your own feelings to e...

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selfishmankind's selfishnessselfishnessEmpathysympathymineIfIWishIt





Mother Nature screams in utter rage, a voice as loud as thunder and death and one Man can’t hear himself; yet he knows something is wrong – this is because he has ruined and taken and not given a damn, raping the world, His world and not caring one bit.

So She is concerned and now She acts in the only way that will get results – 

devastatingly so.

A n...

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mother naturerevengedeathplanetmankind's selfishness

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