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The Night Is Ours

Expressions of Love: Part V

Title: The Night Is Ours

The night was long
But it felt so short
Short as the breath
She expends with each movement
Of her body
As she entangles herself
Within my own
The long night 
Becomes our own



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Love and lust

Love and Lust | Agonizing Words


From may I come in to
I'm cumming in, we both found love
Playing with each-other all night
Until I convert you in a dove,

We got to know each other and
Kept falling in love like a hell drop.
You got all over me
And sucked me like a loli-pop

As I found you, I broke
All my ties from these hoes
Gave you all I have
And kept these bitches under my toes.

Love is all I have in ...

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lovelustlove and lustloversloyalty

I Concede

I can't breathe.

I don't want to breathe...

(without you!)  


I want to seethe.

Please let me seethe... 

(Because I can't have you!)


I want to feed.  

Why can't I feed...  

(I want to devour you!)


I have needs.  

Don't you have needs...

(Let me fulfill a few!)   


Let's do the deed.

Let me do the deed...

(I want to make love to you!)



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desireLove and lustrelationships




His kisses

whisper love.


I listen


his bottled up


flow out.


I trace

those words




desperately steadfast.





he quiets me

hopelessly endearing

in hushed


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Love and lustromance

Seduce me

Come to me with an insatiable hunger.

Take me with lustful passion.

Find your breath on my lips.

Force me with erotic fervor.

Make me taste your sensuality.

Then I will hunger.

And we will devour each other in our carnage.

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yin and yangpoemLove and lust


I love the way your blouse

reveals its parted lips

that kiss so lightly

with breathless hush

what lingers in the furtive mind

of someone sacrificing much

in love's sweet game

to torment's flush


and should you smile

with parted lips

insanity would take me

a hostage now

as earthly blind temptation reigns

to ever dream

of flesh unleashed

to die serene...

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Love and lust

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