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lilith (Remove filter)

Lilith First Wife to Adam



Lilith, first wife to Adam. She refused to be submissive to Adam, God or his Angels.


She chose to live freely. She was turned into a Demon for disobeying God.


Known as stealers of Babies and seducers of single Men.


Many talismans bearing the names of the Three Angels who tried to force Lilith to return to The Garden of Eden have been found. This is to ward he...

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Fruit In My Fist

Lips: like cliché cartoon roses.

Yes, red.

But open up my mouth,

Those lilies will  -   snap.   -   You.  -   Up.

Thorn in your side.

I think we used to fly with the bats,

The doves always ended up on our dinner table,

I told you it was chicken.


You choked me with Amen,

You squeezed me with your hand for grace,

For grace, from grace I fell

Down from the heaven...

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