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We Never Suspected A Thing

We Never Suspected A Thing


Serial Killer

Feathers on the patio

Innocent soft eyes

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day93catkillerhaikuinnocent eyes

The New Curriculum

It used to be murder at school

Evading terrorists lying in

Ambush at the tuck shop

Life or death battles with tapioca

Blistered fingers for smoking in the

Cycle shed

An army of Latin grammar at war with my head

Jimmy Jones smashing my best conkers

Miss Evans the Head's secretary

Scourging my hormones

Sadistic Algebra wanting blood

Above all dreading that fight with...

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enemykillerlatinnew curriculumschool

Blue Smoke Ghost

Blue Smoke Ghost


A matchbox scratch

A flare of light

The smell of sulphur


A yellow patch

Above his chair

On the ceiling


A row of pipes

Hung in a rack

Saliva drips


The suck

And suck

And suck on shank


Red glow

In the dusk

On a back step


The aroma

Of spices

In the ready-rub



Grey ash

From the c...

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fatherkillerpipe smokingsimple pleasuresmoketobacco

The Perfect Alibi

The Perfect Alibi

pick up the gun
feel its cold
deadly fervour
takes a hold
search out a target
move with the crowd
take careful aim
deliver a shroud
they don’t believe the truth
and consider it odd
that I’ve the perfect alibi
because I was with God

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alibikillerperfect alibireligeous assassintarget

Oh Darkness, Sweet Darkness

With my acuminous arm
I saved her wretched soul, like the others,
I drew the blood through clotted veins
And lay her down upon the blackness.

I cleaved the meats from her ivory.
He knelt with me and watched her filth, her poison
Pour through the cobbled streets
Into welcoming drains.

Plucked from the cadaver,
Her vessels of virility are no more;
The erroneous allocatio...

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