The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Oh Darkness, Sweet Darkness

With my acuminous arm
I saved her wretched soul, like the others,
I drew the blood through clotted veins
And lay her down upon the blackness.

I cleaved the meats from her ivory.
He knelt with me and watched her filth, her poison
Pour through the cobbled streets
Into welcoming drains.

Plucked from the cadaver,
Her vessels of virility are no more;
The erroneous allocation of such a blessing
Will not rot the world in a shallow pit.

I will leave her with her shit,
Her vile excrement belongs in the grave beside her,
Thrown to her shoulders, near the gutter
Of her tortured mouth.

Dim lamps brightened nearby.
As before, I disappeared through a trapdoor in the earth
Leaving the swarms of the abyss to relish
In my masterpiece.

But they are not worthy,
They witness only the very tip of my mighty art,
And their vacuous cries, their pitiless insincerity
Is to me but a sonata of applause.

And I will return, to cleanse your cancerous city
Of its disease; on my knees
I’ll draw the infection out, through carotid right, night after night
With divine purpose.

You will search, but you will not see.
Beyond your ignorance; your insignificance
Will blind you and bathe you in thickened blood
Clotted in your unworthy minds.

I am from Hell, and only I will choose my return,
My craft will end at my desire, your only power
Is to behold the chaos of my order,
Of my mastery.

Beneath the flesh of history, are London’s veins
And I will bleed them of their malignancy, their vested plague,
Upon the blessed edge of my ascendancy
Your whores will lay dead.

The mist gathers once more,
I feel it calling to me, its cimmerian shade covets my design
And I dine once more on its inexorable energy;
Oh darkness, sweet darkness, come unto me!


*Inspired by the graphic novel 'From Hell' by Alan Moore, and the 2001 film adaptation, describing the activities and atrocities of Jack the Ripper, 1888


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Simon Austin

Tue 22nd Jan 2013 18:13

I don't know what you're talking about? ;)

(Thanks for the spot!)

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Yvonne Brunton

Sun 20th Jan 2013 17:10

Gruesome and Grisly!! Wonderful vocabulary, some great phrases You have really got into the mindset of the person(?)

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