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Then the photos appear

I never see them coming

That need for revelation

Emotionally so numbing


Image of ex-husband

Faces of cheeky kids

This woman has lived

My life hit the skids


Tales come with the pics

Stories of her family life

Domestic ups and downs

How she fared as a wife


All I feel is hot shame

Angry at what I missed

Wife, kids, annive...

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alien planetdespairimagesmisfitphotosshamestoriesvacuum

Fleeting Images

The other day I caught myself staring at your image
Embedded in the cliff-side pool.
Surrounded by flowers and foliage,
Miles away from you.

Your skin porcelain,
Flaws hidden,
Eyes clement,
You didn't even seem human.

And maybe you weren't.
You were perhaps just an abstract concept,
An evanescent concoction of pigments,
Who swam away, leaving behind no remnants.

When I thought ab...

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maybe mayhem

*Original date true, minor format edit in '²²


maybe you're amazed by mayhem.  sweet mayhem.

chaos colored lipstick screams, tumultuous as she licks her lips

a wild and tangled disarray, her hair - a disheveled decadent disorder

cascading down past swaying hips

rolling, undulating as she slips

her thoughts into your consciousness

ideas driven by desire i...

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dream 111111

The dream the dream the dream! I write like Liz Hand. The dark underbelly of the city. Not just people dying. All of it. Every city has one. All are the same. The dark 3am beat. Put my poem in your book. My dream of it. An artist painting an artist painting an artist  painting an artist... 


The big young potentially dangerous Russian stood in front of me. He thought what he had to say is i...

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