The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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classical music (Remove filter)


Beethoven's music I surely adore.
Tis something I must come back to for more.
He comforts my heart when I am by myself,
And reaches my soul more than anything else.

In his music he shares each part of his life.
He gives us strength where before there was strife.
He shows triumph of spirit over adversity
In each sonata, concerto and in every symphony.

He expresses anger and sadness but ...

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Stuart VannerBeethovenClassical Music


O Mozart 's music fills me with delight,

And just like the Sun it is shining as bright.

It brings me contentment and with peace and calm

To my mind it acts as a beautiful balm.


It is all lovely and wonderfully moving,

So resplendent and incredibly soothing.

In his works we see how his genius shows

And by it we hear how it all perfectly flows


He began to compose as...

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Classical musicMozartMusicStuart Vanner


When I was younger

Not so very long ago

The best thing I owned was a radio and

A pair of headphones

The ability to block out noise was crucial to my survival

I used to tune the station just out

So that there was always white noise

Static safety

Blocking out the screams

The smashing of plates

The threats

The actions

Classical music was my choice

As the songs w...

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childhood memoriesclassical musicregret

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