The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.


When I was younger

Not so very long ago

The best thing I owned was a radio and

A pair of headphones

The ability to block out noise was crucial to my survival

I used to tune the station just out

So that there was always white noise

Static safety

Blocking out the screams

The smashing of plates

The threats

The actions

Classical music was my choice

As the songs were the longest

I guess that’s why I love it so much now

Thanks guys

For at least giving me a good taste

In music

When the lights grew dimmer

And the station played slower music

I used to chance it

Take the headphones off

Listen for any signs of life

If the coast was clear

Id creep down the stairs

Looking for food

And usually finding the house tipped



Like we were haunted

By a malevolent poltergeist

And not just debt

And bad decisions

childhood memoriesclassical musicregret

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<Deleted User> (13947)

Fri 26th Jun 2015 20:32

"Static safety" I love this. Thank you for such a beautifully sad read. This has quickly become a favorite of mine.

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Stu Buck

Fri 26th Jun 2015 12:57

Yes. Having spent the majority of my 20's loathing the acts that made me able to write such a poem, i have, not often, done just the same. I have never been physically abusive to my wife, although we have had some blazing rows. She has given me a good whack on occasion though! I was glaringly under prepared for adult life, as I am guessing many of us were, and the stresses it brings. I think this is the major cause of a lot of these problems.

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Stu Buck

Fri 26th Jun 2015 12:19

I never discussed them before either. I always felt that to do so would be admitting weaknesses existed in the parents i loved so much. now i am older (and a tad wiser) i see that in reality, they were just facing the problems most of us are plagued by, and dealing with it the best they could.

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