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Conspiracy Theories (Remove filter)

Alternative Facts

My theory is as good as yours,

I am entitled to my facts.

We both have our opinions

But it's me that the truth attracts.


I saw it on the internet;

It’s as valid as your learning.

It says the world is flat and square,

Not round and daily turning.


And don’t expect me to believe

All this talk of global heating;

The weather’s always on the change:

Someone sai...

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fake newsConspiracy Theorieswackos

We The People

We the people,

live on the edge

of knowledge

built by human endeavour.



to embrace,


not scorn.


You claim wisdom 

ignore experts,

you born again




I can’t believe 

I’m reduced 

to refuting 

your nonsense.


Just thought

I’d let you know,



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Conspiracy Theoriesconspiracy theorists

Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy Theorist

I am a Conspiracy Theorist.
I can’t help it.
Maybe it’s genetic.
Maybe I learned it;
when those I trusted  lied.
When those who should know,
When they just told me,
what they were told,
to tell me.
When they say, “Because I said so.”

Maybe I’m a rebel.
Maybe you are too.
I see things, that don’t add up.
I hear things, that don’t match.
I have a funny...

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Conspiracy Theoriesfreedomrebellion

Ode To The Lazy And Ignorant Who Scoff At The Truth

Dark are these times the world's gone mad,
Its all gonna end soon and I'm kinda glad,
As I sit here alone in a state of isolation,
The world has been deceived in a sea of indoctrination,
Oh how we've been lied to on a scale so grand,
It's hard to comprehend so let me help you understand,
MK Ultra, Paperclip, Nine-Eleven and Blue-beam,
There's so much deception that it feels like dream,

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IgnoranceSheepSheepleConspiraciesConspiracy TheoriesTruthLiesDeceptiongenocideslient warfare

Don't Hold Sway With the Obvious

Don’t Hold Sway With The Obvious


Distractions, pose only the question; what is it, ‘they’ don’t want you to know? Currently, we have distractions everywhere and most, don’t seem to know where to look for the truth. We can sit and watch the terrestrial broadcasts, but when we do, we often get a ‘whiff’ of something missing in the content. Still, for the working classes whom struggle to...

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Conspiracy Theories

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