2014 (Remove filter)
On Centralplatz
Look close, look far
too far?
(too far)
Cars come, cars go
tortured, metal boxes, smudged colours
on tattered tarmac.
Pneumatic drill sounds, distant
hammering, dry clatter
on summer paving.
A man, newspaper
folds and departs kiosk
shimmered in sun.
The calls from traders
I heard them, then
did not hear them
(refused to hear them).
Stepped inside a p...
Friday 26th June 2015 5:11 pm
I reach and cut a round hole in a square piece of card
and hang it on my wall, for all of mine to see
name it 'despair', that part of me, that
proceeds to extinguish all that touch,
frightens insects from the white
surface, scratched cold
barren, bereft.
But as, by whim
my friends they visit, I'm
found laughing at the trinket, how
and why this reason flew and set...
Thursday 27th November 2014 11:57 pm
This Town
I brush stones off cheap earthworks
marred in wretched waning light
in bars of concrete, platforms drift
and I climb, skirt a boundary.
True, they drift, and I a drifter
for four days now, take heart
(what little I can) from the sun
that broke the boats through glare.
Now shade, the evergreen snaps
borders straight rule I descry
fringing the house on the hil...
Sunday 23rd November 2014 3:22 am
Your projection leaves much to be desired
A preacher on a sphere barren, brown
Leaves fall at your feet, then washed away
By the biting tide, of dull and grey.
And since your last promotion you have
Been slow to react, blank, negative
The whites of your eyes never clearer
All ear for problem lost in the wash.
That I guess is the nature of the rise
The clear law...
Tuesday 18th November 2014 11:33 pm
Late Night Special
Poised on the plate the knife makes eight
The ceramic truth, the blackened rough grate
Downward-cast glance fingers fumble for silver
As the letters on the counter silently quiver.
Candles I lit, true I would have held them
But filaments waxen bleed through my slow turn
Crouching, I maintain the blank staring contest
With my reflection, the face of no conquest.
The crockery scurries fr...
Monday 17th November 2014 11:00 pm
The Wavering Needle
At peace
At last
At war
Stuck fast
Tied down
Cut loose
Turned up
Slept well
Kept tense
Clear words
No sense
I was once
So serene
Now this needle
Thursday 2nd October 2014 11:56 pm
You made yourself famous
And then what did you do?
You grabbed a lead hammer with both hands
Smote the thing with all your might
Saw the pillar crumble to dust, then
Shrunk from the strobe searchlight
Danced with the lowlifes
That flanked the waste ponds
Made life
Took life
Then revelled in all your failures
Trailing ragged, bleeding
Across the frozen hinterland...
Sunday 7th September 2014 9:15 pm
I hesitate before dipping
the rough edge, ripped shard;
ink screwed on, blue clasp,
scratches from the mind's eye;
call you up, embrace, descry
a vision from beyond my grasp, as
time and journeys flung us wide.
I listen for the creepers' hum,
the stirring, pollen still beside
the sparrows in the tangled verge.
From beyond rock walls, broken, cracked,
earth and...
Monday 16th June 2014 2:03 am
'No museum here' you said.
So I guess you had to make do
with a rusting emblem of the dead
time's plaything, your due;
a line from a prayer-book
a dusting of gold;
shattering a morning
of a bleak, mindless wanderer.
'Leave me the key' I said
and took the road to roam
gathering the crafts in arms
burying your trust at home;
a spring back in my step
a thou...
Wednesday 30th April 2014 11:12 pm
The Ides
I walked down a solemn, slow-trodden road
And breathed in the dust of fragments
That littered the beaten way
Memories leapt to greet me, old friends.
The warmth, the red flush on pale skin
The familiar motions and thoughts...
Submerging in the chill Winter light
Bathing in the cold Autumn rains
Swimming in the warm Summer lakes
Waiting for the first new day of Sprin...
Monday 20th January 2014 4:17 pm
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