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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 27th Jul 2024 01:12

Tom, I agree with Tim here. Very beautiful!

Comment is about Yesterday Forever (blog)

Original item by Tom Doolan

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 27th Jul 2024 01:10

I like the idea of this poem, and particularly the last two lines,
"I long to see the sun once more,
For I am nothing but a mental astronaut."
Keep writing, Oscar Fadlala!💪

Comment is about Spaceminded (blog)

Original item by Oscar Fadlala

Oscar Fadlala

Fri 26th Jul 2024 17:02

magnificent work, Manish. I got the feeling that the last string is somehow holding your sanity. but people dont know that music can also be played just with one string. This is ART, keep writing please.

Comment is about Three Strings Detached (blog)

Original item by Manish

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Tom Doolan

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:59

Love 💕- Conquers all.

Comment is about Who Am I? (blog)

Original item by Hélène

Oscar Fadlala

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:57

This is just perfect, excelent work Graham.

Comment is about Hammer and Flame (blog)

Original item by Graham Sherwood

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Tom Doolan

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:55

Good work Manish 👍

Comment is about Three Strings Detached (blog)

Original item by Manish

Oscar Fadlala

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:41

Thanks a lot Tim, i´ll keep writing

Comment is about B&W (blog)

Original item by Oscar Fadlala

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:01

Thanks Helene - the inspiration came from Robert Service's
book "Why Not Grow Young" (first pub, 1928), which still bears
worthwhile attention nearly a century later.

Comment is about THE SIMPLE LIFE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:54

Believe what suits you. But don't assume the moral high ground
from those you disagree with and use words that are clearly
intended to place them "beyond the pale". That way lies

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Tim Higbee

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:25

Nice Ornella! It hops along like a child's thoughts. My favorite part is
The morning breeze
Added to the taste.

Comment is about Breakfast from a Child's perspective. (blog)

Original item by Ornella. Bushell

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Tim Higbee

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:21

A well written poem of sorrow Oscar. The strong emotional imagery works very well to get the feeling across.

Comment is about B&W (blog)

Original item by Oscar Fadlala

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Tim Higbee

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:14

Absolutely beautiful poem Tom. The sense of your love and loss is so palpable.

Comment is about Yesterday Forever (blog)

Original item by Tom Doolan

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Tim Higbee

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:07

I love the violin with the three missing strings. It adds depth and texture to the emotions of looking through the apps. The sense of risk and the comparison between the fear of destroying the fragile last string and the fear of destroying the last of your fragile heart. Tremendous poem my friend. I enjoyed it.

Comment is about Three Strings Detached (blog)

Original item by Manish

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Fri 26th Jul 2024 12:39

Brilliant writing Graham, I love this one.

Comment is about Hammer and Flame (blog)

Original item by Graham Sherwood

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David RL Moore

Fri 26th Jul 2024 11:59

Thanks for the likes and for your comment on this.

I now want to write something far from this subject...unfortunately I am not always master of my wandering thoughts. I'll do my best.

I'm off to the High Wilds of Scotland and the Islands soon, that said I rarely write in-situ, just soak it up for later it seems.


Comment is about 21st Century family values (blog)

Original item by David RL Moore

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Martin Peacock

Fri 26th Jul 2024 09:54

Nicely Ray, thanks for the generous comment. This poem took a few days to gestate. I'm quite happy with the way it turned out, despite me being in one of my frequent 'it's all rubbish' frames of mind.

Comment is about RAWTENSTALL LETDOWN (blog)

Original item by Martin Peacock

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 26th Jul 2024 07:30

Storms can be terrifying, Graham. Your poem highlights the excitement and mild horror of being awoken on a stormy night.

Comment is about Hammer and Flame (blog)

Original item by Graham Sherwood

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 26th Jul 2024 06:48

The power of love. An overwhelming poem, Hélène.

Comment is about Who Am I? (blog)

Original item by Hélène

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 26th Jul 2024 06:43

Thanks Steve. This is a difficult subject and I think your poem gets the balance right. Violence is always to be condemned, and this act was tragic in so many ways, but Trump didn't suddenly become a nice guy or a better person because someone shot at him. In fact, he seems to be as graceless and obnoxious as ever.

Having said that, with the appearance of Kamala Harris, he seems to be less of a shoe-in for November than seemed to be the case last week. Let's hope so, for all our sakes.

Comment is about Gunman (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Greg Freeman

Thu 25th Jul 2024 23:09

One of the most remarkable exchanges I have read on Write Out Loud. Thanks, both.

Comment is about The Ballad of the Harbour Bar (blog)

Original item by R A Porter

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Endigo Michaels

Thu 25th Jul 2024 19:17

Thank you, Hélène! I definitely wanted to capture ambivalence in this one!

Comment is about Swallow Me, 2 (blog)

Original item by Endigo Michaels

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Steve White

Thu 25th Jul 2024 18:57

Nice one, Stephen!

This was my take:

It got him in the ear
But was aiming for his head
He was up shaking his fist
When he could’ve been brown bread
Underneath a Secret Service sprawl
And the bullet came from his side of the wall

It got him in the ear
And he didn’t even duck
But some others in the crowd
Didn’t have that kind of luck
Corey Contemporare took the fall
And the bullet came from his side of the wall

It got him in the ear
It was a bit tin anyway
He’s less of a listener
And more I’ll have my say
Now he’s a shoe-in for the Whitehouse in the fall
And the bullet came from his side of the wall

Comment is about Gunman (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 25th Jul 2024 18:43

Thank you, Hélène. I think that anyone who believes in the values such as tolerance, diversity, democracy, women's rights, climate justice and and standing up to bullies will be praying for a Kamala Harris victory, although whatever the outcome Trump will probably claim he won and try to stir up trouble.

Go Kamala!, as you say.

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 25th Jul 2024 15:27

I would guess that quite a few people reading this might feel a bit uncomfortable. There's a lot of low level paedophilia in families which goes unreported and unchallenged, prefering to take safety measures instead.

My own grandad, with a wife seven years older than himself and probably sexually disinterested, got his young stepdaughter pregnant twice, suggesting that she was a willing partner, albeit underage. The resultant children were brought up by his wife and they did not find out until they were in their twenties when my father, drunk at a family wedding, blurted it out! We were persona non grata for a long time.

Comment is about 21st Century family values (blog)

Original item by David RL Moore

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 13:10

Well said, M.C.!

Comment is about THE SIMPLE LIFE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 13:05

The last verse of this poem is particularly lovely in a stirred-up kind of way. For me, a blast of opposites that make a whole. Altogether well done, Endigo.

Comment is about Swallow Me, 2 (blog)

Original item by Endigo Michaels

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 12:55

I wrote a poem with the same title as this one and posted it on WOL today. Synchronicity! I like this one, Messages. We write of love.

Comment is about Who Am I? (blog)

Original item by Messages from the other side

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 12:40

I am so grateful to both Biden and Harris. Go Kamala! Here's an interesting, fun opinion news article about her.

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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David RL Moore

Thu 25th Jul 2024 09:27

Hi Tel,

The title is a clever one and the subject matter is deserving of ridicule.

F1 really is an irrelevance in this age, it is a childish futile waste of oxygen, except for the all important generating of filthy lucre.

The cars will ultimately run out of fuel whereas the waste generated by your grand children and the rest of mankind will continue ever onward until we eventually choke on our own discarded filth.

The planet will be grateful, Monaco will return to something resembling nature rather than the monstrocity it has become.

Excellent ideas here, executed with humour.


Comment is about Formula Milk (blog)

Original item by Telboy

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David RL Moore

Thu 25th Jul 2024 09:13

Hi Ray,

an absolutely wonderful poem.

Having seen your shed and its ordered beauty and come to know the man who created that space your poem left me with a tinge of saddness. I brushed it off after a couple more reading, it is an honest realisation on your behalf. It is also an unbinding from the prison of dreams that we judge our lives by. In striving for our dreams we reveal others, they may become reality. Some do realise their actual dream...I wonder how many are then disappointed.

Personally, I cut loose of many of my dreams when I witnessed the nightmare lives of others...that impact woke me up and probably jaded me somewhat. It also made me realise the relative futility of material possesions at an early age. That said I do not deny the comfort and security material possesions can bring, having just enough, security and of course companionship and love are what is important.

Great poem Ray.


Comment is about EMPTY SHELLS (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 25th Jul 2024 08:39

Unsettling but true. There's always a fear of who's going to pass on or fade away in the near future. Good one, Tim.

Comment is about Passing (blog)

Original item by Tim Higbee

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Tim Higbee

Thu 25th Jul 2024 00:01

Thanks Graham. Yes, it's a bit of a sobering thought.

Comment is about Passing (blog)

Original item by Tim Higbee

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 24th Jul 2024 21:53

Nicely expressed Tim. We have a 96-years old Matriarch in the family then after that I will be the tribal elder!!!. what a responsibility.

Comment is about Passing (blog)

Original item by Tim Higbee

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Endigo Michaels

Wed 24th Jul 2024 16:56

This piece truly excites the mind's eye! I felt both fear and adrenaline while reading the same way I do in a very energetic thunderstorm.

Comment is about Hammer and Flame (blog)

Original item by Graham Sherwood

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 24th Jul 2024 16:51

Time will tell, indeed. I am less inclined to take the MSM view
on Trump, recalling how it was unrelenting before, during and after his time as POTUS. The connection between the political
status quo and the media who see themselves as confidants
wielding Citizen Kane power and influence is to be regarded
with appropriate suspicion. It is largely through their ongoing
adverse reporting on Trump that many form their own views,
for better or worse. A little scepticism of the content and the
agenda would not go amiss in the cause of cool assessment
of what can get done for America's future and, by extension, that of the world at large. Politics is not a profession for saints.
Ask the likes of Clinton, Obama and the Bidens.

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 24th Jul 2024 13:13

Thank you Graham, MC and Tim for the comments, and thanks to Manish, Greg and Larisa for the likes.

The utter gracelessness of Trump's reaction to Joe Biden's decision to pull out of the campaign tells you all you need to know about him. 'Kick the man when he's down' just about sums up the MAGA morons.
Fortunately, it's likely that Kamala Harris will make mincemeat of him. Let's hope so.

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

Holden Moncrieff

Wed 24th Jul 2024 11:24

Thank you so much, Endigo, for your lovely comment, it means a lot! 😊

Comment is about Poltergeists (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 24th Jul 2024 03:06

Thank you very much, Stephen.😇

Comment is about Dream-Mine (blog)

Original item by Manish

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Endigo Michaels

Wed 24th Jul 2024 01:45

This is so beautifully haunting (no wordplay intended. Well some 😇).

Comment is about Poltergeists (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Tim Higbee

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 23:40

Trump admires Putin and Kim Jong Un and all the insanity that belongs to their dictator regimes. He wants to be a dictator and sees himself as an equal in their narcissism. He is equally infatuated with fascism and Adolf Hitler. As in true dictator fashion he bolstered the turmoil and unrest that has encouraged the hatred and violence being displayed. He has made promises if reelected to go after everyone who disagrees with his fantasies of total power. He does not feel he needs NATO or allies who do not pull their weight according to his views. The future does not look well, time will tell.

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Martin Peacock

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 20:13

Perhaps so, Ray. I can even remember taking a train to Preston with my mum when the carriages had the long side corridor with little cabins, as seen in 'A Hard Day's Night'. Fabulous days.

Comment is about THERE'S A TRAIN COMING (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Endigo Michaels

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 18:07

I appreciate you checking it out, Tom!! It was very cathartic sharing this.

Comment is about Swallow Me (blog)

Original item by Endigo Michaels

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Endigo Michaels

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 18:05

You really captured how fleeting and reckless love can be here. Something we both long for and grapple with. Thank you for sharing!!

Comment is about Dark At The End of The Street (blog)

Original item by Tom

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Endigo Michaels

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 17:59

Thank you, Stephen! What a wonderful compliment 😊

Comment is about Swallow Me (blog)

Original item by Endigo Michaels

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 16:25

I don't want to be too much of a realist but Trump had enough
leadership to beard the North Korean dictator in his own den
which didn't do peace any harm. He also lifted Putin off his
feet in a memorable handshake during a meeting; the message
clear. The Russians above all admire forceful leaders. There is
much disquiet in the USA about Biden's true condition being kept
from the public there by his Democratic Party associates. It has
been termed the "Democratic Fraud". Now where have I heard
those words before? 😏

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Brett Maves

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 12:15


Comment is about Summer Night (blog)

Original item by Brett Maves

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Tue 23rd Jul 2024 11:10

Thanks for sharing your period moment Martin. Magic was in the air if you were part of that and of course the smell ! We must be of similar vintage ....

regards Ray

Comment is about THERE'S A TRAIN COMING (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 10:39

Very accomplished Brett!

Comment is about Summer Night (blog)

Original item by Brett Maves

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 10:37

It better not be Trump or we are all doomed! Biden did sadly go on too long and was obviously diminished. Harris MUST come out all guns blazing to call the villain out!

Comment is about Joe (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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David RL Moore

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 09:14

Thanks for your generous comment Ray.

Good to see you and great having our recent catch up.


Comment is about An Airshow Progressive (blog)

Original item by David RL Moore

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