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Broken Record's Repetition

For me, 


Stop cutting.

I said.

A broken record.


Only now,

As she lays in the grave,

Six feet under.

I wonder

if things would have changed,

If I just once asked her to

Stop cutting,


For you. 


Would it have made a difference, though?

The reason to cut or not remains 

the same, either way.

Nothing can change that here


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blood off my nails

carve the cloth off my skin,

wipe the polish off my nails,

scrape the itch off my flesh;

i can’t help it,

i won’t stand it again.


strawberry dressing on vanilla ice cream;

paint spilled over the notebook’s page

i feel the ink in my fingerprints,

it’s staining my hands.

i don’t know that i’ll ever get it out again


rip the skin off my bones,

pry my nails of...

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self harmself-harmself hateself-hate

Anti-Social-ist Behaviour Dis-Order

The following is my response to Red Button's recent post:

Britain’s been given

An Anti-Social-ist Behaviour Dis-Order,

The Tories flaunt it,

Like a naughty teen.

Britain’s ill, but can’t get treament,

Because of the cuts,

So the cuts on her wrists,

Are growing in number,

I’ve grown acc...

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Hurting / Healing


I was waging war on my body before it had even fully grown 
No respect for the temple that houses my soul 
With cuts, and drugs and other people's limbs
I have shown her little she is respected 
And expected her to carry on as though she were

Countless sleepless nights and 'just one more drink' 
And I have pushed her to her limit 
She's crying out for acknowledgement
No more ...

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Your hands have turned to catacombs
& you don’t know when exactly but sometime last month the last of your violets wilted in the hollows of your collarbones.
You’ve got spiderwebs for eyelashes the pupils of a black widow
and when they ask you if you’re okay, you explain you haven’t eaten much today

you smile with brittle-boned teeth.
Your heart feels unsteady in the way that it just won’t ...

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poetryeating disorderself-harm

Lie with poetry

If I could lie with poetry as if beside a lover,

Rhymes like arms to hold me, laden pages as a cover

between me and my reality, the truth I try to hide,

Too feeble for the malice of the world that waits outside.


If I could lie with poetry as if upon a lover,

Minds meeting as hearts beat to find the rhythm of the other,

Words caressing skin, or tasting sweet on lips so red,


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She sees the sinews of life:
her mental scar tissue.
Purple welts plagued her mind,
from childhood to death.
While we revisit our pasts...
She tended to neglect coincidences
the acts we thought we'd regret
Sketches scored lines on her skin.
And souls exit to the light,
while she skeptically fights.
Tremulous, unable to bite back
with her mental scar tissu...

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Lifemental healthpoetry and mental healthself-harm

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