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Why are we offended by other people's truths?

Our ego shooketh to it's core

Feelings Bruised? like we'e been battered by an ore

Raw, words come spilling out like a kid in a candy store begging for more!

Why does their truth feel like someone telling us to imitate a dog standing on all fours...panting and all!

Or is it that we don't know who we truly are at our core

Pretending to ...

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I've been broken for as long as i can remember,

welding together the fragmented pieces of my life will be quite the journey!

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You took my Heart

You took my heart
and held it your arms.

You took my heart
and guard it with your soul.

You took my heart
and filled it with love.

You took my heart
and showed me how to love,
and how it feels to be loved,
but just like that
you tore my heart into pieces.

You took my once empty heart
and filled it love.
Then in a blink of an eye
you destroyed it.
Making my heart
an empty pl...

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brokefilled with lovepiecessadlovedestroy


Barriers and fences,
Screens and strong shields.
Surrounding all from castle to field.
Keep strength without and weakness within,
Hold tight to your family,
And protect them from sin.
River and streams,
Deep loch and weir,
Fluid protection from terror and fear.
Fast flowing currents,
Deep eddy's and tides,
A cold clammy rock behind w...

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