The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

landscape (Remove filter)

im sitting with all this green

Smooth with the blemishes of upside down soccer nets, the permeating stench of feet hollering surround the sand of a beach ball court. The sight of opposite conversations inject the ear with distinct memory ; a 'wake me up before you go go' over "my god i cant fucking stand this school." Small in a way thats new, movements fade as legs pull forward, with fingers spending time typing t...

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landscapepoemshort poemlandscape poempeople

Drive-Through Movie

They grow a lot of sunflowers around here and they have just started coming into flower. For the next three weeks or so we'll have the blessing of this drive-through movie.


Drive-Through Movie


The sunflowers are out, tilted up

To fluffy clouds, busy about

The royal blue sky.

The golden crowds applaud their busyness.

Golden hoards in green seas floating

Below the roya...

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Uchtryd's Summer Place

In Mariamné's time

What trees would have grown so tall

What was there beyond the garden wall?

When she walked beyond the garden gate

Did she see the river's sudden spate

And did the rustle of a summer breeze

Mask the red kite's call above those trees

And did she hear the Spring birds' calls

Above the echo of Ystwyth's falls

Did she stroll her father's ways

And let the...

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HafodCeredigionWalesgardenslandscapepicturesqueviewsriverRiver Ystwythtreeshillsmountains


As I stood there on that lazy summer day

the world tilted with the sun

hawthorn privet

plantain, wild orchids

all a palette of play

on the raggedy downs.


I clambered down the bank

into the pit of chalk where gobbets lay


puddled after recent rain.


Looking up I could see the perimeter fringed

the plunge down where the sculpture of effort

had scal...

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A wintry landscape

The snow falls in opaque lashings
Over the Welsh hillside
Muddy brown lambs bleat sadly in the dawn-stricken valley
As the wind blows powder down relentlessly.
Straddling the immaculate mountain pass,
A hawk flaps serenely overhead.
Among lonely grey hoof prints on the white ground,
Frozen grass barely twitches in the cool breeze.
As silence and darkness descend,
The time has come to depa...

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Here in our English country there is a broad range of scenery,

Form the ancient greenery of an oak wood to the gently flowing

rivers of the lowlands, this is a country of many moods and colours.

There are hills and marshes, mountains and lakes all with wild life galore.

Everyone is pleased to see such graceful scenes if out walking or quietly s...

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