The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

sea themed poems (Remove filter)

The Poets' Ball

In a castle on a promontory above a rocky cliff

As the sun sinks down the poets come to carouse and rhyme and riff

Chaucer riding on a dappled horse escorts the Wife of Bath

Johnny Clark smokes with Betjeman who complains about the staff

Shakespeare’s musing in the corner

Working out an obstinate sonnet

Emily Dickinson hides shyly in her cloak and starched white bonnet

Donne, ...

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humourEnglish LiteratureRomanticscastlessea themed poems

the Silence of the Sea

there’s a saying that I've heard,

something about ‘the silence of the sea.’

but I can’t figure out what it means.


the sea is not silent

as the waves crash onto the shore.

it rages and fumes as it batters down

the door.


the sea is as loud as thunder,

as deafening as a plane’s engine.

it is anything but silent,

its presence always known.


but maybe ‘th...

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the seasea themed poemsunderstandingteenage bullshit


At the bottom of the sea sits a perfectly symmetrical hinged oyster shell
lived in water and land
Inside is a grain of sand
That chosen grain the special one
In to the gap in the shell he has gone
At first it is lonely and dark cant get out
But hes safe from the monsters of the sea no doubt
This tiny grain with sharpened points
Indulges and grows as the shell anoints
He tumbles and role...

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Pearlpearlsnaturesandsea themed poems

The man and the sea - Part 1: The Stranding

After the ship broke

the man found himself in the middle of the sea

drifting into the unknown in the dark

clinging to a piece of tree


the man is physically strong, he needs to be

cause his mindset is weak

and now that no one can see

he lets out a tiny weep


by daylight, the man spots land on the horizon

he heads off and crawls

but she, the sea, won’t let him ...

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malefemalegender rolessea themed poemsrelationships

One with the Storm and new sea themed ebook link my new sea themed ebook check it out

One with the Storm

The battered fishing boat sets out in the storm.

The crew knows that something is wrong and that someone will die.

As they pass the coast the storm savagely worsens.

Through the rain a small figure is seen atop the cliff.

All in white, a ...

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