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magical moments (Remove filter)

Just For A Moment

Just for a moment think.
Just for a moment dream.
What if this world were different,
If it isn’t as it seems?

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A Moment Away

We all need a moment away
From whatever we usually do
We can’t be forever the same
We all need a minute or two.

And when we get time to unwind
From the twists and the turns that life brings
What a relief for the chance to reflect
Straighten out, raise our heads, spread our wings.

Then once more to those whom we love
And once more to that which we do
For nothing will greatly have chan...

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Moments Like These

I wish I never had to sleep
A vigil I would gladly keep
About your bed.

I'd watch you breathing out and in
Your eyelids gently fluttering
As if you dreamt.

You will not always be so close
That I can watch you in repose
Life takes such speed.

And now it is I most regret
The frailty that makes us forget
Moments like these.

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A Pot of Gold

Six rainbow cloudburst smiles

spectrum of radiant colour

leprechauns dance throughout the night.

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magical moments

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