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It Rained Today
It Rained Today
It rained today
Breaking the strangling heat
But it wasn’t a cleansing rain
It didn’t dilute the colour of our skin
Or wash away the blood on our streets
It just soaked
The lonely man erecting barricades
So that McCars could McQueue for McBurgers
As consumerism kicked back in
And the deluge began
The air felt clearer though
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 12:03 pm
Pandora's Box
Pandora’s Box
barbeques and beaches
your own little playground
complaining about others
who sit in your space
that schools are reopening
while little Johnny plays
with his mates in the park
lighting a fire
to cremate your pork chops
on the grass and heathlands
where sparks are bullets
leaving B&Q
with a six foot mirror
Monday 1st June 2020 2:11 pm
It is a grey morning
I am awake early
The backdoor is open
And cool air enters the kitchen
My father is on his knees
Scrubbing a wire brush
On the fire grate
Newspapers on the floor
He takes a rag
And pours black lead
Onto the stiffened fibres
Then he smears it
Onto the scrubbed surfaces
He balls up the newspaper
And throws it on the hearth
...Saturday 30th May 2020 2:34 pm
Away The Lad
Away The Lad
When you haven’t got a friend
Or a carer you can reach
Then plan a family trip
To the better equipped North East
County Durham’s nice this time of year
Or so I hear them say
And simply by happenstance
It’s only my wife’s birthday
You see me and the Missus
developed a little cough
so we panicked and headed North
and all the newspaper can Fu...
Friday 29th May 2020 2:13 pm
I saw a young man kneel today
He hung his head as if to pray
But he would take a life away
To honour and protect they say
Another black man has to die
Before the country questions why
They let enforcers kill and lie
and let another mother cry
Fear and hate mix with malice
A city faces the abyss
A cocktail of vinegar and piss
On the streets o...
Thursday 28th May 2020 2:35 pm
a haphazard weaving
of unclear intention
the drone of annoyance
the beating of
full spectrum wings
the tap
of attempt after attempt
to get through the glass
of the window
and reach the free domain
of the out there
the buzz
Tuesday 19th May 2020 4:07 pm
A Life
A Life
From the day you are born
On the first day you cry
To the safe place you sleep
In the cot where you lie
On that first day at school
Where you struggle and try
From the first girl you kiss
To the way you feel shy
From your very first job
To the company tie
On the day that we met
To that very first sigh
On that day that you left
To the first ques...
Thursday 7th May 2020 2:33 pm
Third Beach
Third Beach
This is the sunny place my spirits rest
Sat on a wooden bench watching the sea
The shimmer from the bright pacific west
The only place on earth I long to be.
The walkers and the cyclists passing by
Upon the wide and welcoming sea wall
The seagulls and crows desperately try
To out call the other in pine trees tall.
I watch the tankers in the distance drif...
Tuesday 5th May 2020 2:25 pm
In Another Place
In Another Place
a soft breeze
drifting through an open window
hung with net curtains
the faint perfume
from an open book
the creak of a floorboard
above you
the shadows
caught dancing through the doorway
in a dim lit room
the taste of honey
on a teaspoon
the feel of a scarf
on your face
Sunday 26th April 2020 5:57 pm
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