The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

mental health (Remove filter)



I struggle without hands

Have no mouth, to speak of

And my eyes avert.

I itch and blotch, 

And the radiance of the sky

Illuminates my sheer loneliness.

Darkness can't come soon enough

'Though I fear my blanket will

one day

become the soil of my grave.


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Depressionhopemental healthshynessself confidence


What is this dark energy

cloaking the universe

threatening to consume me,

wrap me in a weighted blanket

of silent abyss. 

Some days I’m tempted

to dive into the black hole,

see what all the fuss is about, 

but I know if I do, I will take

a generation or two of

fragile minds with me. 

Weakness is not my legacy. 

I have to stay strong,

be my family’s guiding li...

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Faithfamilylovemental healthrelationshipsstrength


Do you need someone?

On this World Mental Health Day

Does someone need you?

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haikumental healthcompassionworldmentalhealthdayCALM


Irony is a malicious art-form. It’s shocking and sneaky and dripping with deceit.
Is it a karmic curse? Do I deserve to be toyed with like a worn out voodoo doll?
Did I ask for this? All the years of not caring at all.

Putting myself in harms way begging to be struck. 
Dancing around the fire drunk with a lust for self-sabotage.
And escaping fate every single time. 
It seems like a bad-jok...

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poetryptsdanxietypanic attacksmental health

Your Scar

(for the little girl who haunts my dreams still) 


Dear Daddy,


Not that you'd care, but

All that I wanted was to make you proud

But, I was too stupid

Too fat

Too loud


All you ever did was bring me down

I was your scar

Your permanent frown


I was your verbal punchbag

In your whiskey fuelled state

Never felt I was your child 

Just a vessel for...

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abuselifemental health

Sudden Attack

The heart stops,
stomach drops,
and fear attacks
tearing and scraping the insides.
Stepping back, it’s not the right time.
It’s too delicate; my hands are tied.

I stall. I ruminate. I do all the things not to destroy this.
I dread that I will, gravely… to the point of not moving.
This is what it’s like when people become a ghost.
It’s too much to go forward.
So, I turn
in the opposite...

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anxietymental healthmental illness

MY SAVIOUR, MY SAVANT (An ode to my paid weekly "friend")

I lost all control

Crossed the threshold

My tears too excruciating to hold


I prayed earnestly to be released from the pyre

I saw you and I continued to burn 

Only now, I burned also with desire


Curiosity peaked

Fervent interest realized

The voodoo you do, mesmerized 


Divinity revealed?

Oh, what power you weild!

Desperately I yearn to yeild



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appreciationgratitudemental healththerapy


How are you?

A question worth a thousand answers 

A thousand possibilities summed into one


Somewhere in between the good and the bad 

Between the lines 

Of the lies 

Fine -


Just fine.


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith

For poetry and more visit:

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lifepoetrypoemmental healthdepressionpainhealinghopetalking

Karma the Uninspired Bitch

Everyone's asleep

Silently I weep

Misery boiling 

Anger steep 

What one sows 

Isn't that what they're supposed to reap? 


Why do I remain good

Continue to be kind

Try ever so hard to preserve my mind

Karma seems to lack purpose

Or simply ignores the concept of time.


Doesn't my pain matter

My life unrecognizable and tattered

Am I that good at pretendi...

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Angerdespairfrustrationlifemental healthsurvival

A Client's Woe

When shadows go into hiding

And dreams run wild

I imagine you all stripped down and bare

All facades shed

Thoughts of me invade your head...


Or so I wish, a girl can dream

I miss you, I want you

If only I could scream 

These words out loud 

Remove the shroud

Say them loud

Say them proud...


But I mustn't disturb the peace

What is unknown must remain ...

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forbidden desireslifeLongingmental healthrelationshipsunrequited love

Sweet Talk

Smooth like honey,

Your words 

Slip through my soul -


Sweetening the bitter

Soothing the sore.


Your Word

Like honey, nurturing

My bones.


I have a craving in my soul,

A sweet tooth for Your own.


"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith


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lovemental healthmindsetpoetrypositive wordspositivitysweetwords

Where does it hurt?

It’s a walking numbness, a dull pain  
that sometimes presents itself in waves. 
It slowly builds, and one day, every few weeks it explodes. 
I can’t bring myself out of bed. 
The rolling tears subside for a moment only to build again and again. 
The world outside, and the family inside, doesn’t exist, only what’s happening right here. 
Only this pillow, only this blanket, only the thoughts ...

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depressionmental healthmental illness

⚡ Thunderstorms ⚡

Running through my head
Rumbles getting louder
Scared things might be said
Hide away in a closet
Because the sound is so loud
Hide from the truth
Because the truths not allowed
Thunderbolts they are striking
Flashbacks of a lad
A childhood in silence
Adolescence was sad
But storms they get stronger
They gain strength with time
The rain is now pouring
I’ve a hurricane m...

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BisexualityBisexualgaylesbianLGBThiddenhopestrengthgender/sexualitymindemotionsdepressionmental health

SAPI plates

Sage bush smoking sour
Eyes cascading showers
Measuring sober hours
Chewing my cigarettes now
Good coffee, good chow
Pretentious fuck saying thou
Pissing off the bow, drunk
Crawl back in my rack
Afloat but still sunk
Cold icey dunk
Casket of grinding gears stuck
Struck, sliding into silence

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bipolar disordermental healthmental illness

Words Fueled by Depression

I am sad. 

I am worthless. 

I am unlovable. 

Nobody loves me.

I do not deserve to be loved. 

I don't matter. 

I have no matter.

The world would be a better place without me. 

 Nobody cares whether I'm dead or alive.

I wish I were dead. 





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Depressionself loveself esteemmental health

Struggling in veins

Two hearts are beating in my chest 

one is right on time 

the other's left behind 

one is young, open and blind 

the other‘s tired, beaten and confined 

they are twins of different age 

both hunter souls, locked in a cage 

one is thirsty for blood 

the other has had enough 

though they are two 

neither can rest 

the constant battle puts both to the test 

but wil...

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heartmental healthphysical healthtorn aparttwo-faced

Man On A Train

there’s a man

on a train

with his head

in his hands


I’m three seats behind


a man

on the train

with my head

in my hands

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lifemental health

Long Have I Stood

long have I stood

long stood have I gazed

long gazed have I thought

long thought have I suffered

long suffered have I

long have I stood


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lifemental healthdepressionanxiety

Scars and Bruises

You always see

when people trip and fall 

face first onto a knee,

The shear panic of a red warm pool. 

People crowd and care, 

Rushing to rescue. 


Drip, drip, drip,

The skin now stained

seeping from veins,

Pumping like a bad memory,

Fixated on the blood

people forget the scars,

Not the one oozing with puss

but the one deep-rooted, 

Crying out for atte...

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mental healthself-carerealisationtoughSelf-awarenessself love

Morscode (And Blue Tunes)

typed see screens

print the rain

a hit and miss,

brush dashes

from the frame

dripping blue tunes


singing your stirs,

your memo implicit,

a reserved river,

dot, dot, dot,

dash, dash, dash,

neurotic encrypting

for a euphoric tone-

a seaway

sealing all,

do not shift back

up the drum glass

and hum hard these

run- down blue tunes,

remain r...

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rivermental health

Untouched but not Unfelt

Untouched but not Unfelt

Spent years like a husk
now life is kindling again,
purifying from pain
and pleasantly plentiful 
at present. 

The cage of the State 

is nothing, 

for I traversed the labyrinth of my own mind
and survived.

So I shall recognise shackles
as a concept,
but be mindful of surrendering control. 

Isolate from crowds but not from feelings,
not from unde...

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SocietyUKUnityWorldwideCommunityLovequarantinepersonal journeygrowthmental health

Reason to Stay

When sun comes against all odds

And the colours of life just pop

Or when the rain falls

It falls and falls

And you wet your lips

With piping hot tea

With warm biscuit

Savour the crumbs

Cosy and safe

In the arms of a jumper

The padding of the sofa,

Like a huge hug

Or when your face aches,

Your stomach vibrates

Because you are fighting to breathe

Through ...

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depressionsuicidepreventionpositivemental healthtomorrowchangeappreciatelifebeautymomentsmemoriesnostalgiahidden beauty

Take a minute


One Minute
Just take one minute
to listen
to remember
to understand
to reset,
to step back
to refocus
to rewind
to regret.

Just take one minute
to rest
to rebalance
to breathe
to cry,
to think
to question
to reflect
to wonder why.

Just take one minute,
then, if you can,
take one minute more;
to work out what you need,
to decide just what this minute’s for.

If you...

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Heads UpMental HealthMindTime to change

Afraid Of the Dark

How many times must I rinse off the moon

And unpeel the stars from my skin?

Have someone ask what were you drinking?

How many times must I try clinging to lamp lights?

Try configuring keys into shining beacons?

I cannot see in the dark

Yes, blackouts steal my sight

But when finished,

I wake up feeling feverish

And fear ferments and festers

The night can be sticky


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raperape cultureexhaustedcopingdenialmental healthconfrontationstrugglegalaxystarsmoonmetaphorfearscarredtraumadrinkingissuesInternal

Depression is a question of stamina

Depression is a question
of stamina. We know how to win.
Build walls and fill them with light
even as darkness batters the barricades,
threatening a wholesale invasion. So we turn on more lights,

call more friends, play, dance, and work, work, work.

This isn’t mania,
unless swimming to shore
in a river of white-water rapids is also mania.

We’re strong,
and we can make it.
We just...

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depressionmental health

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