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My Un-favourite Things
fish and chip papers and stained smelly sweaters
dirty used condoms, the posh man’s French letters
fresh fast food cartons and old condom packets
discarded pizzas and broken squash racquets
matches, match boxes and cigarette butts,
oodles of noodles from someone’s spilt guts
ring pulls and beer cans, sharp broken glass
empty pill sachets and a lost covid mask
unwanted penni...
Friday 20th November 2020 2:13 pm
The Dig
The Dig
Thousands of years later
They found the sacred site
And used their soft sable brushes
To clear the earth from their finds
Here was what looked like a drinking vessel
Owned by a Covid-19 man called Persil
And look part of a plate with the lettering McDon
So possibly owned by someone from the Northern Zone
Inflation devices with logos of Asda and Lidl
Sunday 28th June 2020 6:17 pm
The "Tourons" Great Day Out
Touron........A tourist who unfortunately also happens to be a moron!
The “Tourons” made up a picnic of all their favourite food and drink,
they brought along everything from home except the kitchen sink.
Bags bursting with goodies, enough to see them through the day,
but they left behind the empty packaging for others to throw away.
So much effort taken to pack everything...
Saturday 27th June 2020 4:36 pm
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