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Body Language

You beckon to me.
Uncertain, and vaguely guilty.
And how you "know how I feel - but",
I can feel the urgency grip you.
And how we "don't have to if...",
I can feel the expectation.

You touch me,
Too gently,
I can feel the inexperience.

Do you expect me
Suddenly to tell you
If you can.
Or suddenly to let you
If you can't.

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body languagedamaging relationshipslove's tempestvaginismusshort poem

Saving Me For Later

despite frosty relations in the office

a snobbish reaction to my charms

I live in hope your chill will thaw

that soon you'll end up in my arms


I can't fail to notice signs aplenty

of you revising your adverse opinion

your eye contact seems improved

am I no longer a humdrum minion?


I'm sure you're saving me for later

delaying the better dish until last


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saving meeye contactbody languagesmoke signalsfield

Half-Fallen Rain

he could not make her out

at close quarters but afar

smiling yes but acting no

near, yet distant as a star


like rain falling half-way

a tide trapped out at sea

an infant sapling stunted

a blossom without a bee


brows furled with doubt

mouth unstable not still

eye contact fraying, lost

signals iced by inner chill


curious blend, rare alloy

what el...

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half-fallenraindistanteye contactsignalsfacadesbody language

peculiar mannerisms

Being too sensitive is not for the faint-hearted

We all peer at life through individual prisms

I know now when my thin skin started

It was watching your peculiar mannerisms


Your peculiar mannerisms are legion

The way you chew your food is a sight

Your body language is a whole religion

Those facial expressions a thing of the night


You've left me wide open to the el...

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mannerismsbody languagestress

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