The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Saving Me For Later

despite frosty relations in the office

a snobbish reaction to my charms

I live in hope your chill will thaw

that soon you'll end up in my arms


I can't fail to notice signs aplenty

of you revising your adverse opinion

your eye contact seems improved

am I no longer a humdrum minion?


I'm sure you're saving me for later

delaying the better dish until last

merely playing the rest of the field

before selecting me from the cast


relationships have not been my thing

I was never that good at overtures

instead I respond to body language

third parties must open their doors


today was a frank litany of disasters

you cruelly divested me of any hope

I misread the kind of smoke signals

that appear when they elect a Pope


yet another rank failure with these exotic creatures

makes me doubt the validity of my facial features


I'm sure you're saving me for later

delaying the better dish until last

merely playing the rest of the field

before selecting me from the cast






saving meeye contactbody languagesmoke signalsfield

◄ Feline Grace

Ginger And Fred ►


<Deleted User> (24283)

Sat 12th Sep 2020 12:17

What hopes do you follow
What dreams do sow

Good one!

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