The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Honey, the Mother Tongue!

mother tongue is the
of ambrosia,
dip in it and sip the honey!

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Living beneath the wind,
How easy it is not to reach for the stars.
But sleeping beneath the moon,
How can we not yearn?

Touched by infinity,
Where do we place the next step?
Conscious of eternity,
We must ever go on.

In all of this grandeur, I should feel so small.
Soaking it into every pore,
I wonder.

In all this variety, I must seem so dull.
Watching the intricacy,
I learn.


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meditationnatureuniversebeautysolitudelifeself worthperspective

I am not Alone

I am not Alone

Ujjal Mandal, India
7th December 2020

I am not alone.
When nature cast her beauty upon me,
My silence speaks the words
Of happiness.
Oh, I am not alone
I have silence.

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Alonebeautynature Autumn

I Want to Die In Poetry

I Want to Die In Poetry

Ujjal Mandal, India
6th December 2020

Where are you, all?
Come and dip me
In the hues of poetry.
I want to die in poetry.

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Dreaming Love 2016

So many thoughts that swirl around my mind, this feeling I've captured I dreamed to find.

It flooded in by a destined fate, the time had come after an unknown wait.

The moment we've now captured was overdue, naturally we entwined and knew what to do.

The days pass us by and the feelings grow high, the realness that shines creates an eternal tie.

I've never believed in the concept forev...

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Effect Divine

Where have the words gone?

Emptied vocabulary I wonder!

I can’t frame a single praise…

Biscuits she offered me politely

I had only peanuts to exchange.

I looked a savage in my own eyes

And she, a harbinger of change.


No thoughts about her for days together

Although she is cynosure of my eyes,

My stillness added to the inner solitude

Yet couldn’t create the effect...

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The Beauty of EVENING !

Ujjal Mandal, India

The Beauty of EVENING! 

The earth is ready to sleep 
But the cloak of beautiful 
Evening wakes the glowworms up;
They come out from the bush
Holding thousand lights 
To enlighten 
The dark earth.

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Love of a Mother

Ujjal Mandal, India

None but a mother can draw
The bridge of love
Among the mortals as the flowers
Are pleasing to all hearts.

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The Innocent Flowers

Ujjal Mandal, India

None is innocent as flowers,
They bloom to show the beauty
Is pleasant to eyes and the healer
Of scorching hearts.

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Constancy and Betrayal

I was enjoying sitting in the garden, pondering the beauty and the timelessness of nature, compared to the fickleness and unreliability we see in our leaders and found myself writing a villanelle. First draft below – may yet be edited but I wanted to share it now.


Reminders of a life, a dream now torn
Scabia, flags and tulips, forget me nots
Behind the privet hedge a rolling lawn


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Black is Gold

Ujjal Mandal, India


Blackness is the beauty

Of the night.

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Inside the Mask of Blackness

Ujjal Mandal, Ganguria, India


The real beauty lies

In blackness as

Flowers bloom at night.

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The Look Of You In Love

if beauty is the keystone of women

from Cleopatra to Helen of Troy

you beat them into a cocked hat

the way yours generates such joy


its just a miracle of modern science

how every feature fits hand in glove

like rainbows and stars combined

in that ineffable look of you in love


you were always out in the front rank

from those early days of teenage bloom

but wh...

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The Flame Within

She has a beauty that shines from within 

A light that never grows dim


Her candle goes not out by night

And the radiance inside her, ever bright


When the wind blows,

Her flame - it holds


She thrives, she sparks

She glows, she grows.


An original poem by Faith Olajuyigbe from Words of Faith

For more visit:

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Reflections of Love

Hope cannot save what’s forgotten with age

As the moonlight clandestinely shines.

Pieces of souls, washed up on the shores 

Laughing gleefully at the passing of time


Abandoned dreams sink beneath the sand

On which fateful footsteps once tread

Years rage on, crashing silently on rocks

Where despair and weakness once led.


Reflections of love rise up from the deep


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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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I want to be pretty.

I don’t know what that means

I don’t know if it equates to the amount of free
Drinks I can flirt my way into, how many compliments
I get on my new dress as it swishes in the soft breeze.

I don’t know how many men need to want to touch me,
How many people need to be jealous of me, how many eyes 
Need to be on me.

I don’t know if it refers to the delicate purity ...

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beautyprettyenoughinsecureself esteem

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic


Beauty is skin deep

Layers of paint and plastic

Daubed with unsteady hands


Glance in the mirror

see the full bee-sting lips pout

and fake eye lashes


the tattooed eyebrows

filler in the crows-feet cracks

tell-tale nip and tuck


Nemesis smiles and

Avenges fading Echoes

Of a youth gone wild


When you are old...

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beautyday 21godlinessgodsmodern beauty treatmentsnapowrinmo 2018narcissusplastic surgeryvanity. haikus

h e r

this world is a universe

for she is a world 

in herself

at every turn beautiful;

a billion flowers 

in any garden of gloom

would bloom to her smile;

her existence is life

her instance pride

with sadness shied away

the swooned heart

travels miles in a beat; 

every sweet smell 

reminds me of her

the earthy perfume

rain sends forth

the flavored whiff 


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occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...

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beautygodilluminationlightlovelove poemsmetaphysicalmetaphysicsmusicnaturepoempoemspoetrysciencesoundspiritualspirituality

Fever of silence

They all turn into madness.

Fear, the poison, injected too often.

A vaccination to prevent you from optimism,

from being an individual,

from the hope you kept deep inside.

You are infected with gloomy thoughts and panic feelings,

a fever of silence.

Only your own mind can set you free,

let you heal and open your eyes for beauty, kindness

and the hidden truth.



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coronafevermadnesshysterianegativitypositive energybeautyartistsupporthope

Canyon Raven

We come as passing visitors on the rimrock of this vast abyss,
awed by ancient desert rocks with ever-changing hues.
We marvel at these stones laid down in tepid seas
before the dawn bird flew,
grandeur timeless, yet so transient.

A raven races up from the canyon with joyful croak,
like a goblin fresh on vacation from his work in Hell.
He arcs above, then plunges deep into the chasm

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ravenGrand Canyoncanyonnatureflightbeauty

Is There, In Truth, No Beauty

Is There, In Truth, No Beauty


I am the dry path

Sat between

The first rain drops


I am the dandelion

Dancing in a field

Missed by the scythe


I am the spark

That jumps

From flint to straw


I am the breaking wave

Crashing up against

Deserted beaches


I am the words

Caught in the throat

Of dirty liars


I am the light


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nature's revengebeautyuglylifedeath

Tumhe Dekh Ke Aaj Meri Ankh Muskurayee (Hindi)

Tere daaman par girey they chheentey muktalif rang ke

Chehrey par thi khili muskurahat aik alag dang se…

Tum se aa rahi thi sada kuchh suhani kuchh ruhani;

Rango me bheegey they lag rahe kuchh malang se…

Iss roop me tumhe dekh kar koi purani yaad aayi;

Tumhe dekh ke aaj meri aankh fir muskurayee!


Iss tarah nahi dekhi thi kabhi shayad mai ne gour kiya nahi,

Safeid resham m...

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My face may not have symmetry

My skin may have spots

My belly may roll and wobble

My thighs may touch... a lot


Petals do not have symmetry

Mountains may have spots

The ocean may roll and wobble

The clouds they touch... a lot


I see the beauty of nature

Everytime I look at me 

I was handcrafted by goddesses

As is everything I see

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femalebody positivityconfidencebeauty

Reason to Stay

When sun comes against all odds

And the colours of life just pop

Or when the rain falls

It falls and falls

And you wet your lips

With piping hot tea

With warm biscuit

Savour the crumbs

Cosy and safe

In the arms of a jumper

The padding of the sofa,

Like a huge hug

Or when your face aches,

Your stomach vibrates

Because you are fighting to breathe

Through ...

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depressionsuicidepreventionpositivemental healthtomorrowchangeappreciatelifebeautymomentsmemoriesnostalgiahidden beauty


Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on Amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on youtube

alexis karpouzos on spotify

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Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on instagram

alexis karpouzos on twitter

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Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

Alexis karpouzos on Amazon

Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads

alexis karpouzos on instagram


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I woke up today feeling a bit numb

I woke up today feeling like everything will be fine

I woke up today and decided that I was done

I woke up today and cried

Then I looked in the mirror, I said, " Girl you look fine!"

Then another voice said, " Don't you dare give up!"

So I put on a happy face,

And I headed out to find that girl I once was....

Happy. Beautiful. Strong


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self lovebeautybrokenstronghappygodfree

A poem about my lovely husband, Rick.

It's all I can do
To sit up and gaze upon your beauty
As you lay there
Your chest rising
Then falling
Once rugged hair now
glistening and twinkling
As the moonlight catches
And I sigh
You're in so deep now
The streaks of silken hair rise and fall
With every breath
I turn next to your face
Lined with the beauty of age
And wisdom
And stress
And I quietly observe
The flare o...

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