The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Falling: A Prayer


I refuse to

fall in love

The thrill of

the hurried air combing through my hair

And the earth rushing to meet my

anxious face

is gone now


Much like you are



I don't wish to fall

If the universe could

grant me one pace-altering gift


I'd wish to float

with you

like two ice cubes

emersed and indulging in

liquid joy

Never to be ...

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lovesimilelost love

The Side Kick

The Side Kick


A purring cat

Sat before a raging fire

The smell of cinnamon buns

Outside the snow falls

Rubbing away ice on a window

Looking out into the whiteness

A smile caught

In the reflected dusk


New buds bursting

From green shoots

The blue sky

Flecked with white clouds

Raindrops dripping from trees

The fresh cool air

Mirrors in the pond


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Love Like a Cliche

You are certainly not a metaphor,

But you may be sort of like a simile.

You are my rudder and sails on a turbulent sea.

You are like a force that guides and propels me.


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A Poem on the Purpose of Metaphor and Simile

Using simile in poetry is like using a throw pillow or two,
     to set the mood of a bedroom. 
Too many pillows
     and the poem becomes a pain in the ass.
Literary devices serve to cement concepts in our brains
     because most of us have memories like a sieve.
Mixing the cement… um the metaphors is tricky
     tricky like a fox
          tricky like former U.S. Presidents whose name i...

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Stirred with a little spoon, the teabags swim

Like carp in golden liquid, fin to fin.

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fishsimileteatea dances

An Ode to Online Dating

I'm going to give this context by starting off reading my old match and pof profile. This is genuinely real. 


It's always hard to know what to say on these things so I'm just going to fill my profile with exaggeration and nonsense.

I would describe myself as a cross between Brad Pitts character in fight club and a sensitive fireman who likes kittens. Overall I'm pretty awesome. Kind, in...

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