The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

crisis (Remove filter)

rock n roll is hell

christ is a liberty
christ is a liberty of rock n roll
christ is a liberty of hell
christ is christ of liberty
rock n roll is a christ of a crisis
rock n roll is hail as a crisis
rock n roll is hail as hell

a crisis is a crisis of hell
a crisis is a crisis of rock n roll
hell is hail as hell
hell is hail as crisis
a hail of rock n roll is a hail of crisis
liberty is hail as hell

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Hokey Okay

Hokey Okay - Experiences with the mental health teams 

The police bring you in, next thing you’re out,

In out in out, fucks your head about,

They do the okay okay and turn you around,

Claiming that your mindsets sound!


Woahhh you’re okay okay,

Noooo, ill chokey chokey,

Woahhh, you’re okay okay

Head hurts, alarms sound ah ah ah


Then you’re back in again, out ...

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mental healthPsychiatric HospitalsCMHTcrisissuicidesuicidal thoughtssuicide attemptdepression helpless hopeless self-destructionNHSmental health servicespolicesectionedadmissions

In the world of her

On the threshold she stood,

Of the house where her life smiled.

Waving wildly her small arms at him,

Of whom she was the only child.


Inside sat the lady of the house,

Silencing her sobs and drinking up her tears.

Careful not to let the the happy bird know,

Chasing her was the worst of her fears.


All laiden with arms covered under his coat,

To not let the little...

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war to peaceinnocencepeacelifehumanityloveukraineRussiacrisisworld wars

To Be Decided

Oh you are stranded on a mountain
you are deep down in a cave
you are in a burning building
you are threatened by big waves

There's a hurricane surrounding
The earth is quaking underfoot
you're marooned and you are drowning
you are in amongst the wolves

And you are paralysed and voiceless
you're exhausted and in shock
you're bewildered and defeated
you are hopeless and you're lost


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breathecouragecrisisfearmeditationperspectivepower of mindSEND parentstrengthuplifting

There Are No Bad Ships Or Winds, There Are Bad Captains

There Are No Bad Ships Or Winds, There Are Bad Captains


I would promise you the heavens

If it would get you off my back

Thinks the over-inflated spokesman

As he’s questioned by a hack

You can have your masks on Monday

And your gowns this time next week

Although the plane’s still on the runway

Says a whistle-blowing leak


We’ll have PPE and tests aplenty

And i...

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bad managementcrisisday 22mishandlednapowrimo2020russian proverbm covid 19

Fill me.

Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.

Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.


Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.

Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.


Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.

Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.


Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.

Covering all lu...

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The Crucible of Change

The Crucible of Change


Somewhere, in the chaotic crucible

An idea is forming.

In the churning turmoil a star is birthing

An answer building.

In the dust of the dying world

A way can be found.

From our dark place see the future,

What can be done.

Accept that now does not work for all, 

Too many cast aside.

Relearn what’s important, what we need and

Cast asid...

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My feelings on Obamacare

Health insurance

How about some reassurance?

I'm a single mom

Trying to stay calm

But man your prices!

This is truly a crisis!

How can I choose?

The doctors or food?

Its no joke

I'm not a lazy bloke

Work full time

I take care of mine

But this....

It's ridiculous!!

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