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All the best!

Happy new year to write out loud!

A poetry site standing tall & proud

So much versatility & lovely folk

I can assure you all, this site is no joke!

So, all the best for the year ahead 

And we toast to those in their heavenly bed 🥂

Let's hope next year your wishes come true

And peace, love & hope is the light that comes through.


All the best 

Stephen x

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Leave Yourself Behind

A decade on, decade long
a journey
I’ve been filling this space with lines
you can follow them if you like

I’ve gone from ‘putting out’ only
to taking in, to loving others’ work
and learning
I hear their voices in my own words now

I’ve been leaving myself behind
these past ten years
writing wrongs
trying to find that spark

It’s said ‘don’t stay in any place too long
when you’re ...

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writingwolten yearsdecadepostingthanks

"Poetic Rules! Are you really serious?

Rules a plenty and all so we can maintain order of our art of thought
Express yourself through a template that someone else just published
Middle class lives, aspired and achieved and desired and lived
I will give you 50 lines today and 50 lines tomorrow and 50 more on your fucking birthday

No more romance without some cash and an agreement now 
Negotiate in the car or bar or online, but no...

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competitionpoetry competitionsPoetry rulesWOL

December Collage Poem: Waves

Swansea waves words at passing poets


The twenty-fifth day is long and in others souls,

A week later we enter the next chapter with

New raging goals.


Kissing capitalism's ass and not mine

Highway traffic moves in waves,

Or should that be it crawls like a crab


Marrying a woman from East Texas

She cooked Christmas pudding for dinner each night

In peanut and r...

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Collage PoemDecemberStockport Art GalleryStockport WoLWoL

July 2017 Collage Poem: Old Photographs


An apt public hanging, packed treasure

Not like mine


The past zooms into focus in blow-up

In camera obscura


No-one spoke,

And the silence said volumes


Spuds and carrots and don't forget

To pick up the horseshit!


All sit in Domino rolls

I never told my students of stories

Waiting to escape


Pictures of matchstick men

Waiting to escape...

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Easter WoL Collage Poem


A riotous toast to Queen Victoria

the lighter the better, under the table

black dagger stabs my heart


Oh! To be in Anglesea;

so beautiful - 

death, rape, law, sacrifice. The more things change...


And still the penny rolls like a sunset

cascading what it simply used to mean.

We worry not, for our lady still holds

the sky whilst she sings.


The anxiou...

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WoLStockport WOLEaster Collage Poem


Be grateful for the dark days

And when one comes in sight

Don't waste your time in wondering

When life will turn out right.


Be grateful for the dark days

And when one comes along

Forget about despairing

Over how it all went wrong


Be grateful for the dark days

They're made to make you glad

When everything about them

Makes you think you shou...

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