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Let me search for a lonesome tree,

For little lonesome me

To give some quiet company.


Let my body replace

The absence of its leaves.

Let the wind caress my skin,

As tenderly as it would the leaves.


And when the day awakes,

With the sun peeking up

from beneath its covers,

Let a singular shadow be cast.

Of a hanged man and a tree,

Keeping each ...

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Company - Yes or No?

Sometimes we yearn for company.
Sometimes we must be alone.
We may like to vent our problems,
Or fix them on our own.

And if we are handed puzzles
How do we find solutions?
Should we do it by ourselves, 
Or with help and contributions?

And when we feel sad or down
We often just ruminate,
But should we take comfort in others
To get us back to feeling great?

Though when we're feeli...

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Stuart VannerCompanyLockdown

The Theater

The Theater

Today, we're together 

Tomorrow, we're apart 

As Cinema .. as the Theater, 

An End for the Start 


Thanks to God for Life 

To work .. earn and learn 

Pray .. to keep Survive 

Happiness to reach and Yearn 


Surely, you're assigned 

For a role to achieve a goal 

Unless you've that mind 

You need to heal your soul

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