sadness (Remove filter)
Three Pennies
I gave you three pennies
that one winter’s morn
when the dancing had finished
and we felt so forlorn.
The first for that kiss
when we were first lovers
ne’er to be broken
lying snug under covers.
The second for our child
for one oh so fair
a cherished little treasure
but not long for this air.
The third for hearts broken
no healing can mend
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:14 am
The Wind Is Howling
In the grate, the shivering flames
hungrily wrap their lips around logs
The boards above me creek
my wife haunting somewhere
the baby's hands reach out
wave before its sleeping eyes
The wind is howling...
The smiles on our faces as we galloped down the aisle
making sense of scattered photograph moments
but I can't remember why
can't think of anything but waiting
and doing everything...
Sunday 2nd December 2018 2:32 pm
In remembrance
All that I can do
Is sit slack jawed
And picture you,
A vision of kindness
Nurturing us with
Clay soaked hands
I lost a constant reference,
A personification of grace
When I lost you
Now a hazy memory
I can only
Strive to complete and become
From clouded dreams
Of watching you be.
Wednesday 3rd October 2018 12:11 am
Sorry, I'm temporarily done
Sorry buddy for what's gone on
If only you had actually known
How much that I sacrificed for you
And this friendship that I thought was true
I honestly stood by you always
I was the friend that would have stayed
But in the end it was you that betrayed
Me in the most hurtful of ways
We had a history that we kept a mystery
Because it wasn't knowledge that we wanted freed
Why is that a...
Friday 7th September 2018 6:02 pm
Death Warrant
{Death Warrant}
I have an active
warrant for my
scheduled death
that has been
killing me slowly
and painfully since
the day I was
conceived inside of
my mother's womb
And as these day's
fade into the darkest
longest hour's of the
lonely nightmares of
death lingering
around my sickened
weakened body until
I am a forgotten
chiari w...
Sunday 24th June 2018 10:59 pm
I Don't Fear Death
{I Don't Fear Death}
We all live
We all die
We all cry
We all suffer while
we are trying to live
in this life while we
just simply wait for
death to creep in
on you
And we all love
everyone that is
actively in our lives
daily and we love
hard and we love
deeply as we possibly
can because believe
me tomorrow i...
Sunday 24th June 2018 10:09 pm
I feel dead inside
I can no longer hide
For so long I've lied
I promise, I truly tried,
But today is the day that I died.
Monday 18th June 2018 3:19 pm
Executed By You
{Executed By You}
It's strange how
it feels like I've
been executed by
you for so long now
Because in your
eyes I've done
everything wrong
but I haven't done
anything besides
loving you
But I've paid my
faults and wrongs
and dues a billion
times over with you
But the truth of it is
that you want to
Monday 11th June 2018 5:04 pm
Dear Him,
You’re beautiful. Belle Ame, French, for beautiful soul. I cautiously use the word beautiful, simply because the word holds so much power. It may be overused in it’s context, but within mine, it holds virtue.
Rain is beautiful. The smell of rain, the taste, the sound, the feeling on your skin as it seeps into the thread of your clothing. The way it collects in puddles on broken roads, or how it...
Sunday 8th April 2018 3:12 pm
He Tried To Destroy Her
{He Tried To Destroy Her}
He tried to destroy her by his sneaky little secrets and little lies that he kept hidden deep down until that dark day she found out about all of his hidden dark secrets that's when her world came unglued
because she gave her all to this man and then return only thing she ever got was just his lies and dishonesty and secrets and his cheating ways t...
Friday 23rd March 2018 2:57 am
I Am Not Okay
{I Am Not Okay}
I am not okay
I am not happy
I am not sure if I want my life to continue on living this freaking nightmare
I am not beautiful
I am the one everyone calls the ugly duckling
I am a incurable plagued person
I am depression
I am suicidal
I am a lost cause
I am hurt
I am pain
I am sickness
I am a invisible person that no one attends to see beyond the sick...
Friday 23rd March 2018 2:29 am
Unbareable Truth
What a pleasurable pain
to be loved by someone who only wants to use you
someone who only wants your body and not your mind
accepting the fact that you are wanted, only for vanity and not for soul purpose.
You are but an object,
a hole for someone to dump their sadness into.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Thursday 8th March 2018 4:08 am
where were you all this while
when i lost my smile
when i was lost
when my heart got tossed.
when all the world walked away
left me alone to stay
when i was all alone
they turned my heart into stone.
when i felt my life been drawn out
all i did was scream and shout
with no one to hear me out
it left me short and stout.
everywhere i walked
no on...
Monday 26th February 2018 1:13 pm
Murderous Tears
{Murderous Tears}
These murderous tears
follows down my cheeks
wetting my shirt as I gently
wipe them away like the
way the did you by murdering
you in cold blooded murder
and it left me here like a
child that was orphaned
to survive in these darkened
cold streets that the
blood stained asphalt
surrounds my feet
But I cannot fathom
how th...
Saturday 24th February 2018 9:00 am
So Unpredictable
So unpredictable.
So sharp and so cunning
Is the pain that run through me,
Hideous yet so stunning.
I want to keep it here,
I want to feel it's cold aching
Blood spilling from me
My heart is still breaking
What if I want it to stop?
Please, leave me alone!
It'll be there. Waiting.
For me to decay down to bones.
Maybe that's what I wa...
Thursday 15th February 2018 9:55 pm
Despise of sadness
This sickly feeling i have inside
because i myself lack basic pride
I am upset when i go out
in fear that others may speak or shout
Yet this one lie had gotten to me
It's made my life a misery
I hide myself from everyone
I deprive myself that natural fun
If you look at me you'll see nothing
But in privacy i do everything
i fill my body with foods and cry
secretly ...
Wednesday 14th February 2018 12:51 am
I'm in the gap
I think I hung myself in your tears
Yeah, the other day I realised
One noose, one tear drop - same shape.
I choked on the salt of it
eternally thirsty now
When they fell from your eyes
they looked like showers of broken glass
How I wished I could have swallowed that instead
I think that would hurt less
I’ve got 6 bruises, 7 cuts, 3 scars
I’m still counting.
But why...
Sunday 11th February 2018 2:21 am
In silence
In silence,
tears that express their agonizing language
Tears that have names,
and ignored pain
©Noris Roberts
Tuesday 6th February 2018 5:58 pm
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