The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A curious thought about the sands of time

How two distant places appear in rhyme 

Existing as a pair in a fleeting embrace,

Two places, one world, in time and space.


In one hemisphere, sunrise paints the morning sky,

Awakening slumberers with a new day's sigh,

Whilst westward, a Turneresque sunset glows,

Bidding a farewell to light, long shadows grow.


Across ...

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Absolute Zero

The girl who iced her emotions. 

Her physical and mental being out of motion. 


The coldness within her grew, 

induced by solitude and failure.


Causing sadness to flow through her veins, thus only negativity remained. 


As her tears fell like snow, weathered by disappointment. 


Because everything she once cared for let her down, and people wonder why she carries...

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Seated still,
change is speeding up
now I see light
an alien grimaces back in my bathroom mirror
every day, I think I'll capture my story
from the coasts
of personal and private,
woven points of light and dark
but still, I can not,
meantime, I AM
cycling a scrambler in and out
where no "here is me" can be determined,  
but a fanning multi-me

our ball travels
a billion-mile oval

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eliminationPhysicsCaptivated By The Light

Tuī hé lā

I was the ocean and he was the moon, 

Nature's opposites yet love would sprout soon.

As I push against his gravitational pull 

Though on my axis, my heart's orbit falls. 

Quite often I am his biggest challenge,

But as the ying to his yang he fixes this imbalance.


My spirit soul mate who facilitates my flow, 

Through the high and low tides our love for one another shows.


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The Fine Guilt of Physics

Can starlight fathom the distance it has traveled?
Does it count the time in hours, parsecs, even knots?
If I turn on my DVD, will I thunder through the
Cosmos as another wave of noise until the hand
Of time comes to switch off the hearing-aid of God;
And then, even as the webs of interwoven disruption
Traverse the galactic heavens, the only ears to hear them
Will have been deafened by the ...

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Adolencia- from my new collection MUMB


They are going to bend minds-

they’ve thought of all kinds of things that we have never seen,

they will sustain environments and grow fruit in arid deserts

they will go to great and unseen efforts to save the planet,

they’ll shape this world into the word FRIEND.

Starvation will end and they will study the moon

and its correlation to the womb and will study women from cradle...

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Newton Fourth Law

The back and forth motion
Will produce a lotion!

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PhysicsLaw of motionHumora record moment of happinesthe joyful occassions in life

The Poem Fails

The poem fails

It cannot render traction

Or the queer zero,

Rehearse location

Or mine gravity.


Panic & lapse

Immune to weak forces

Arise on threads of absence

In mechanical waves,

Muted by observation

& uncertain rules

In the chamber of bias.


An adumbration transpires.

Wanton longing. Dimension

Flattened & tamped.

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