inner thoughts (Remove filter)
: The Toss! :
The coin leapt up high above them.
And in it’s flight
The bright sunlight,
Made it glitter like a precious gem.
A lazy crawl to it’s apogee,
Then a shivering pause.
Which could be because,
The journey down has ‘gravity’!
Plummeting down from up so high,
It struck the loam.
Lost momentum
And opened a face to the sky.
The consequences are in the win...
Sunday 11th August 2024 4:37 pm
Night's Embrace
My eyes see in a monochrome light, a vivid world of grey.
Thoughts jumbled and troubled, caught in a caricature of a play.
A melancholy melody, humming through the shadows of my soul.
This symphony of sorrow, echoing, no joy can it cajole
Whispers of a silent woe, dancing with the ghosts of past.
The silence of this madness, a dark rite that seems to last.
A haunting echo of memories, clingi...
Friday 19th April 2024 11:11 pm
The Want for Nothing
The want for nothing
Thursday, 09 November 2023
I want for nothing of this world
The grandeur and riches are unappealing.
The delicacy and deliciousness are unappetising.
Wealth turns to ashes in your mouth as you fathom,
The complete idiocy of the system that has become unfathomable.
I want for nothing of THIS world
Nature has turned against us
...Thursday 9th November 2023 12:04 pm
phase don't last
Phases don't last,
Until it's time to face them.
Changes that progress slow.
Suspense and patience I don't have.
Temper and triggers,
Ready to be pulled.
I want this to pass,
Nothing to fuss about.
Pain and inevitable stages,
Turn the pages to a chapter I don't read.
A chapter of dungeons,
Ruled by legions of demons,
A region in my mind.
Even religion is...
Wednesday 15th September 2021 7:24 pm
Why do I feel like this?
Inside of me deep within.
A tempest of emotions and thoughts and feelings.
A real wind blown cliche.
Leaving me teary eyed.
Wpiping tears away when no one sees.
Thinking of my life.
How things could be different.
What I should've done different.
Or not done at all.
Oh the list is long.
As is my list of woes.
If I could redo it all, I wou...
Friday 23rd March 2018 7:29 pm
I'm constricted by the fact, that life is to share,
I just see poor judgment, and a silly content,
of stay where you were hand, to raised and to forget.
Over bed or on couch, your time shall come next,
As the rest of your days, bad-thoughts, hopes and prays.
It is said that's not true, for you to be alone,
So to them I should say, my half never became.
I've been thinking ...
Friday 30th December 2016 2:22 pm
Poetry VI
The day is to past, the time is to come.
Life would be ashore, kept below a dome.
Wind shall blow and howl, clouds will rise and pour.
Darkness's upon us, light's hidden from roar.
Nature, nature, she is strong and fair,
wild, crazy, she is a must to protect.
Rain drops over us, sun above the air,
quiet, shiny, a rainbow to collect.
Grass has go...
Saturday 24th December 2016 2:27 pm
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