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Dens of Iniquity


In a Spinney dark and cool

three pallets made a hide,

the pain endured at home & school

could never reach inside.


A buckled form bent and broke

grey face toward damp earth,

betrayed a tongue that rarely spoke

bitten hard since birth.


Of love there was no knowing

just thoughts of what might be,

within a hatred growing

as if a raging sea.



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We crossed the line

We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
it was never meant to be a constant battle
we were never suposed to go to war
that wasn't why we were put on this Earth
We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
we were suposed to be a civilized race
the Human race
we were supposed to live together
peacefully, harmoniously
not tearing each other apart

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Human Wreckage

See their faces so jaded

With all the torturous barking they hear

Over and over and over again

Assaulting their innocent ears

Our mouths keep spitting out poison

There’s bile wrapped in every word

After all these years of affection

How did our love become so absurd?


And I hope, just hope

You sleep sound and safe in your single bed on this night

I kn...

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