The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

soulsearching (Remove filter)

Leisurely Life Lessons

I could get used to this leisurely life. 

Wake up without an alarm. 

Stretch, yawn, linger on.

Get my long list of to do things done. 

Read, write, learn without interruptions. 

Walking a snail’s pace on the treadmill while catching up on world news...

Unprecedented attempts to slow the spread of a new kind of flu leaves me wondering what more we can do?

Quiet calm surrounds m...

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The Lost Girl

A lost soul 

not so bright 

never done wrong

but not always right


Lost in the woods

in her dazzling mood

going against the world

she thought she could


I heard she was sad 

maybe she lost her dad

in early age 

she got trapped in a cage


Society used to tell her 

what she had to be 

but she never believed 

and went after her dreams



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Girlyoung girllostworldsoulsearchingbeachbutterfly



You think that you,

form clouds from fog

and paint the forests green.

You think me lost,

inside your song

as unformed harmonics

drown, within my throat

and reeds split

upon my tongue.

But you are wrong

and still I sing,

and though you say,

my life, is but a whisper

in the age of mountains,

I am here.


I am here.


© ...

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