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don't (Remove filter)

Don't fall for someone

Don't fall for someone..
You will always break,
Don't fall for someone..
For yourself not to hate,
Don't fall for someone..
For your own sake

Love is beautiful if you are lucky,
But almost always it ends in misery.
Finding love and living happily is what you always see in movies,
But reality is not like the big screens.
Seeing the bright side, it's like butterflies,
But only after hea...

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lovedon'tself-caredon't be hurtHeartbreakmiserysorrowpain

Don't....And You Won't...


Do not go for a walk

And aloud do not talk

As the thieves are all around

And you’ll easily be found.


Do not sin, you’ll get the AIDS

And will walk on the edge of blades.


Don’t eat nuts or something solid

As your teeth will be soon spoiled.


Don’t run quickly, you can fall,

Won’t be able to walk at all.


Do not sit, take care of...

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Because there's kids

all scissorheads, blade-eyes,

machete hoods

and skin impervious to your reasonable begging

as they wave the pre-cutting knife

in a goodbye to your drained face.


They're behind every corner,

in every shop,

unstamped shouting on every high street.

And there's concrete abode blocks

hammering your daymare...

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captainrantdon'tgooutsidepoetrySpoken Word poetry

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