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Made In China

Made In China

Your electrical items stop working one by one

First the kettle stops boiling even tho the red light’s on

Then your microwave stops heating tho it turns round

It gets fixed and works for a week then is totally dead

As for your TV it turns on but has a single line across it

The VHS video player ate the porn tape and jammed

Your radio gets nothing but static on all ...

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junkcrapmade in china

Save me from myself.

Staring up at his ceiling fan, thinking about this disgrace
Looking in his closet door mirror, with this horrid weed that was laced. 
Sending me into a trance of pure disgust
I have to stop this now, it’s most certainly a must. 
I walked out the door 
With no kiss goodbye 
He turned around so fast 
Like the quickest speed of light. 

My heart pounding as we speak 
I’ve gotten to a Cert...

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Sexself worthbadone night standcrapeating disorderlightkiss goodbyebyelove poetry




A town like mine is crap by definition, being full of a certain type of people adding to the crapness.                                                                                                                                                       

What do you think of Oldham?                                                                                           ...

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