The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

poetry 2010 (Remove filter)

The Move

 The Move

Xylene, Toluene, trichloroethylene,

The smell,

Prior paint peeled away and fell.

All off-white, only ever warmer; morning sunlight in the east windows

1887, a ship-builder discussed between three widows,

That line there, fixed up by The Man, too

Them floorboards wouldn’t look as good as The Man could do.

Where did he go? One asked inside of the plain room,


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friendship opportunist genuinewedding memories familyromantic distance love dan hookspoetry 2010eyes paranoid paranoia alienpoet poetry poem hooksDiscoverylovefood


Distinguish the fires from last night bring justice to the light

Fighting through the social misery just to make it to the right side of history


Another day goes by and I am still here still alive

Turn up Marvin and sing along here the words still strong


Fighting in the streets a brother on his knees for justice and peace

All the while the leaders continue their deceit lac...

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Poetry 2010politicssocialjusticeBLM


From 2,000 and now
Until 2,000 and when ever...
I'mma keep it pressin',
My endeavor...
New World Order
Wanna bring it all together.
H.A.A.R.P Technology 
Controllin' the weather...
Yeeeah, it's a conspiracy
From Lincoln to Kennedy.
And it's gon' be plenty more, 
From here until infinity...
Every 3 hundred and sixty centuries
Humankind is aligned
With the ori...

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breathepoetry 2010words

Broken Dreams


It was unexpected,
that morning when you left.
The sun shone strongly
through the pane,
my pain shattering the silence
of the emptiness you dropped me in,
A morning moon still in
the sky would not let me rest
from the ignorance
of last night,
false bliss, false peace
as you slept and lied your love upon
my breast.

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broken dreamslove poetrylove poemsdianna hardypoetry 2010sad poemssad poetryrelationship breakup

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