The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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freedom of speach (Remove filter)


A padded patch piled on another padded patch
And another
Tunnel vision of Rome through a classless square window
Inability to look down side to side or up
Just straight forward
Like a race horse wearing blinkers
Rome looks pretty
Although I see no famous landmarks or Roman architecture to suggest this is rome
I just know
To describe what i see through this square portal is quite impossibl...

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creative thinkingfreedom of speachrules

Because  I have the Right

Here I stand with the air in my hand

Wanting to ask a question I’ve held  for so long

It was  important but now it’s gone

And I can’t seem  to remember why I wanted to be called on

An opportunity to touch the world

My opportunity to reach out with a word

An opportunity to be heard

I  know  I wanted to say something profound

To say something that has never been said

Or ju...

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freedom of speachpoem

Art Attack

Art Attack.

Kalashnikovs spit deadly hate
Upon the streets of grey Paris.
An art attack, the deadly fate.
Je prie pour eux - Je suis Charlie.

A sketch of these disturbing times,
twelve martyrs die for liberty.
The clanging of Notre Dames chimes.
Je prie pour eux - Je suis Charlie.

Bullets of hate will not erase
the sable brush strokes of the free,
dripping red on these bloody days...

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freedom of speachje suis charliekyrielle formparis attackstribute

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