The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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fire flesh love passion obsession (Remove filter)

Be Who You Are!!!

Don't let them Judge You,

Don't let them Teach You,

Just be Who You Are!!!


You are Amazing,

Just the Way You Are...

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self lovefire flesh love passion obsessionoptimisticoptimistLove yourselfsoulfoodsoulmindfulpositive



Shoulders sore, propped up over an internally burning stomach

Raw eyes anchored to keys,

Each digital page was a blanketed field surrounded by summits.


It’s no crowned jewel, although sometimes peppered by obsidian flakes,

Numbers indicating trailheads with the promise of mountains and lakes.


Following the spine upwards, eyeing the words down

Pages were the ...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionlove poemeyes paranoid paranoia alienpoet poetry poem hooksFriendship and Alcoholdiscoveranthropic theorynatureincredibleindiapoempoetry

New Light Beam

New Light Beam

I wasn’t born this bright

And there was no way I could see

How growing up inside the dark could bring light out of me


I seen a new light beam

It cast onto to trees

And each drive there was a window of time

I saw the emerald sea


There was a humid haze between myself and the never-ending valley

With pollen speeding fast into my eyes from air-rushed...

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Grief death bereavement consolation friendshipfire flesh love passion obsessionfriendship opportunist genuineA kind of weird dream type thing of a poemlove poetry

Gemstone Necklace

Gemstone Necklace

I dare to wander far inside this trove of a head

Without chains around my ankles bounding me to my bed

Though, it sure feels like it

I feel a weight inside my lungs and my chest doesn’t like it


In the expansion and decompression

The plasm I bleed

And the skin closes up, it’s all alike

It seems.


In solitude, a bed of thin clouds dissolves benea...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionPoets & Performance Poetryeyes paranoid paranoia alienpoet poetry poem hookslove and time passingGrief death bereavement consolation friendship



Your eyes are hazy

I think I found

My favorite color


And I think about you

All the time

I don’t want to bother.


But she will only say

They are brown

That they are boring


But I just can’t stop

Looking into honey

Your eyes are October

They’re sunflowers.

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fire flesh love passion obsessionspeakeasy poetry spoken word jam jamzuzu seajamz

Makes You Angry

All I need is you

And low natural light infiltrating the room


We often play pretend in our minds and while we think

We think lightly of our due dates, more if we’re on time


I know I missed one day and saw the grass turn gray

And though the sun still shined through the clouds that May

I never could forgive myself for missing your day

But I saw a lot of beauty for you ...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionfamily poemschildhood friendsPoets & Performance Poetry

Starshine (V.2)

The stars shine brighter than the books say they’re supposed to

And the tall grass ain’t as green as the other side had proposed

I was too drunk to see the starshine

In the daytime I saw their glimmer spark and melt into some bronze eyes

Two rings of lulled dreamscapes I near missed when I fell into a low tide


I writ in song so that the stanzas, you can’t read them, but you li...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionromantic distance loveflowers optimism happinesspoetryjoy division


Deep red

deep state in an asleep head

Night dawns a new obsolete head

sewn through the holes of nightmares


In deep red

Wild were the thoughts which rampaged through my obsolete head

sifting through, onward to oblivion over the steeps’ edge

a mystic haze in a flume over the deep end

I see red

I bleed red, and she can see it in my eyes

dawn looked so beautiful re...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionTarot; The Chariot; Reality; Life; Philosophy;

15 Curses of Caleb


Inevitably a smile

A happening of fascination

The affected refrain from spilling out


Judge quickly, it is a curse

The affected begins to ponder

Thoughts begin to hurt


The affected seek more

A common voice is only common

As long as the affected recollects his words


Converse, seemingly, indefinitely

He is...

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fire flesh love passion obsessiontraumafriends and familyfriendship over love

Where's the Sun?

Where’s The Sun?

I used to orgasm imagining i was running to-

The sun.

To reach climax for the relief was spiritual

Sex for me has remained-


Now it’s perverse and sexual.

So, I hide inside-

The dark of the night

And only come out when the moon says

You’re safe now.

He has my best interests in his heart filled with craters

Other women scarred with play...

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self loveBipolarsexualityLiving after traumafire flesh love passion obsession


You need the fire 

I'm yours to admire 

You will never desire a heart so molten 

With smoke billowing out 

The heat makes you shout 

Run from the flames 

They will consume everything 

It's a savage in a sweet package 

I'm yours to ravish 

Don't be fooled I'm a disaster 

But a master at skills that will 

Give you chills 

I'll make you weak 

And melt and weep 


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fire flesh love passion obsession


Can make me a puppet.

You can make me dance

And moan

And shake

And cum literally at the tip of your finger

You make my entire body move with your finger

(and your eyes)

You can make me feel my matter condensing to a single point at the tip of your finger,

I imagine it is glowing.

And sometimes when you’re making love to me

(I’m sorry, I know you hate that phra...

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lovesexsexual awakeninglesbianfire flesh love passion obsession

I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing


Fire in my head

Burns in my heart

Rams in my gut

Soothes in my flesh

A sword to stroke

Love thrusts on it

Up and deep

It’s more than this

Riding on you

Giddy up down

And you in me

The thread is my blood

A psychic bind

A fetish chain  

Which ties us

Always to you

And each other.


You resist

A bit.

But never for long...

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fire flesh love passion obsession

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