The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I can go miles 

with someone believing in me.

So, speak into existence, 

those words I need.


I’m not kidding,

or play acting a pose,

this isn’t a hobby,

it’s me you see, exposed.


My time is here, and

I don’t want to stop.

Give me that shout,

dissolve my doubts.

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Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Time marches on,
but things can change.
The flow of life is the same,
but we can spin away.

Find a place to abide;
a life to call your own.
Find a way to live;
a way to feel alive.

All the road blocks,
will guide your way.
Till you are strong enough,
to crush them all.

That path of least resistance,
is how the water flows.
Carving a river, a gorge,
a valley,...

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The people's voice is not a choice

The people's voice is out of fear

But even then you'll start to hear

Our message loud and clear


Show them that we have no fear

Show them that we have a choice

Come down all come down rejoice

To that ever soothing voice

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Strong stay strong

You do belong

Now come along

And sing a song

A happy one

That's full of glee

Not just for you

But you and me

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