The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

dreamscape (Remove filter)

Should This Night End?

Woke up in the middle of the night 

It felt like sitting on one of those chairs in the mountain campsite

But it’s just my bed, right?


Have been through this illusion a couple of times

Putting on those earpieces every night

Listening to The Neighbourhood’s rhymes

Sending those chills down my spine

As i go on with the flow every time

Man, isn’t that awesome, right?



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The Dreaming

Where do we go when we dream

Stepping through the mirror into the you on the other side

Catching a glimpse of the multitude in the infinity of all our other selves

Taking a ride in the back seat of lives unlived 
Or seeing the beloved faces of our dearly departed

Visiting the dreams cherished friends or lost lovers

Finding safety in the mind palace we keep inside

As a small cott...

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dreamscapeMultiverseWithout imagination I have no poem



About 9PM, a walk began filled with restlessness. Claustrophobia pushed every step with the urge to escape.

Off of Johnson Street, a block behind the house, there's a dirt road with a placard saying: "No motorized vehicles allowed." Seeing this, adventure presented itself, and the toes turned into it.

Picking up the pace, the town passed slowly out of sight, opening up to another world ...

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Why is sweetness doing wrong

Why eyes that make the day seem long

Satisfied, bound, no longer free

Absorbed by a face, pure poetry


Why words that stay and overcome

Why no punctuation, overrun

The current and the wave are one

Unfurled, unbothered, I’m undone


Why velvetness of such a dream

Why unfettered beauty, smudged but clean

A little wire taut, is mean


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loveshort but sweetdreamscape

To love

I thought I'd write one for you today,

A sweet poem, the sweetest I'd say.


As pure as as the virgin, As true as the tale.


As beautiful as you look to me, Everyday and every night.

Where did I find you ? I may never know and I may might.


I'd do it for you love, I'd do it for your sweet kisses, your little whispers in my ear,

Your breath on my neck and hand rumbling ...

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dreamscapeLovemodern lifeteenagerTimelessnesstrue talk

Icarian Malady


When I found the time to be
I found that time had passed me by

When my dreams had set me free
Life set its bounds upon the sky

Should my spirit soar above,
My wings the blazing sun would pluck

Should my soul find love
You'd find my cards had no such luck

And though we know the end,
we jump into the cloudy veil;

we quest for dreams, though bound;

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