dan hooks poet poetry alienpoet (Remove filter)
The Grand: Act 1: The Curse of Skye
***WARNING*** the following content contains themes of self-harm and may be sensitive to some audiences. The content below is not deemed suitable for children.
***the content below is an excerpt and lacks context. Read at your own discretion***
V.01 "raw from author" edit.
The scene was a collapse of the mind. It was no fit of rage, or some unfounded self-torture; the boy had ...
Tuesday 8th October 2024 12:51 am
Graffiti Grannies
Graffiti grannies they are very canny
they never get caught
but their skills are highly sought
they spin a yarn knit and sow
There cover never gets blown
Statues get covered
As do park benches and poles
Even Chinese boulders
Well I suppose we all need something to do when we get older.
Sunday 17th May 2015 7:06 pm
Green and wherwell priory's cockatrice
Born of a ducks egg
Hatched by a toad
The dread cockatrice uses wherwell priory as its abode
Don't be caught by its steely glare
Or be made into stone statue
If it catches you with it's eyes
So don't look run
Or be overcome
It eats and causes destruction wherever it flies
So watch the skies with fearful eyes
But wait a man called green
Seeks the four acre reward
He polishes a piece ...
Sunday 9th February 2014 5:08 pm
twilight of the Idols
James dean and marilyn monroe
its the twilight of the idols show
silver screen wonders of a bygone age
coming from the theatre and the stage
to a silver screeen dream machine near you
hollywood rose from a desire to watch films
it brought in the new age of fifteen minutes of fame
youtube the vehicle of this change
but it wouldn't of taken flight
Tuesday 24th May 2011 10:49 pm
what the world says
What the world says
Freedom is but a lie
Every critic a spy
Love is in the eye of the beholder
Watch it fly away when we get older
Money is the key to locked doors
With open jaws we let it be the law
Knowledge is power If you have the right type
Don't let it grow sour let it be your light
Life is the best teacher
But the harshest one
Faith is a shot ringin...
Tuesday 17th May 2011 6:34 pm
Daniel (pschosis at 16)
These pieces of me can't interact,
they are cracked
into shards
splitting like glass.
My mind is breaking up into pieces,I am literally cracking up
while the stress is mounting
my heart is exploding like a fountain.
I am deluded my mind can't cope with explanations
haystacks without needles.
What am I but despair incarnate?
the clothes I wear the only rem...
Tuesday 1st February 2011 9:46 pm
The watcher
The watcher
He watches all the comings and goings in the park
Always standing always leering
No one ever speaks to him
He is silient as stone
He watches for weeks and years
A marble heart and a marble soul
No tears form on his cheeks he captures only one expression
He watches with eyes that never move or close
Birds are his friends they perch on his shoulders
...Thursday 11th February 2010 5:07 pm
my poems i publish on the web digital thoughts for people to stop and read i leave paper trails, bank statements receipts of transactions for things i need I am of course more than the sum of my parts but leaving trails is an art paper trails, thoug...
Tuesday 29th December 2009 10:07 am
Rendition of my heart
There was no warning
It is like you broke down my door
Stole away my heart and left me on the floor
You stormed into my life
Now all I can think of is you
You have taken my heart
put it on a plane never to be seen again
its like rendition
and I know I have not got permission
to take it back
I used to be a love terrorist plotting all types of mischief
Saturday 21st November 2009 4:57 pm
The Pretender
You were a young pretender
on a mad bender
trying to protect a crown not of your own.
Alone you stood
as mountains of gold turned to dust and rust
You tried to gain your bread, your crust
but the skin the flesh grows weak.
Holy bread can sustain you cried the Christians
manna from heaven cried the Jews
the Buddhists said you have the freed...
Thursday 10th September 2009 4:28 pm
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